Application for Contractor Approval
I. Applicant Information:
Company Name: _______________________________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________
Owner: ______________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _______________________________________________________
Fax Number: __________________________________________________________
Business Address: ______________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________ State: ______ Zip: ______________
Name of Qualifying Party: _______________________________________________
State ID for Qualifying Party: _____________________________________________
State of Issuance: ______________________________________________________
II. Certification of Compliance:
I, ____________________________________, do hereby certify that:
(Owner/Qualifying Party)
Each person who conducts activities for the company is annually accredited in
accordance with the provisions of the State; The company has access to at least one
disposal site permitted to receive contaminated waste that may be generated during
the term of the license; The company possesses worker protection and medical
surveillance programs that are consistent with the requirements of the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration; An accredited lead project supervisor shall be
present at all times during the project; The company shall maintain all records as
required by state law.
III. Statement of Compliance / Citation (Please check one): This disclosure shall include a
signed statement that all penalties and fees assessed to the applicant shall have
been paid in full.
[__] I have not been cited for violating the environment standards, regulations, or
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