Income-Driven Repayment Plan Request Page 6

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A partial financial hardship is an eligibility
Eligible loans for the REPAYE plan are Direct
requirement for the IBR and PAYE plans. You have a
Loan Program loans other than: (1) a loan that is
partial financial hardship when the annual amount
in default, (2) a Direct PLUS Loan made to a parent
due on all of your eligible loans (or, if you are also
borrower, or (3) a Direct Consolidation Loan that
required to provide documentation of your spouse's
repaid a Direct or Federal PLUS Loan made to a
income, the annual amount due on all of your eligible
parent borrower. FFEL Program Loans, Federal
loans and your spouse's eligible loans) exceeds 10%
Perkins Loans, HEAL loans or other health
(for the PAYE plan and for new borrowers under the
education loans, and private education loans are
IBR plan) or 15% (for those who are not new
not eligible to be repaid under the REPAYE plan.
borrowers under the IBR plan) of the amount by which
your adjusted gross income (AGI) exceeds 150% of the
The Pay As You Earn (PAYE) plan is a
annual poverty guideline amount for your family size
repayment plan with monthly payments that are
and state of residence. The annual amount due is
generally equal to 10% of your discretionary
calculated based on the greater of (1) the total
income, divided by 12, but will never be more
amount owed on eligible loans at the time those loans
than what you would have paid under the
initially entered repayment, or (2) the total amount
standard repayment plan with a 10-year
owed on eligible loans at the time you initially request
repayment period based on what you owed when
the PAYE or IBR plan. The annual amount due is
you entered the PAYE plan.
calculated using a standard repayment plan with a 10-
year repayment period, regardless of loan type. When
Discretionary income for the PAYE plan is the
determining whether you have a partial financial
amount by which your adjusted gross income
hardship for the PAYE plan, the Department will
exceeds 150% of the poverty guideline amount for
include any FFEL Program loans that you have into
your state of residence and family size. To initially
account even though those loans are not eligible to be
qualify for PAYE and to continue making payments
repaid under the PAYE plan, except for: (1) a FFEL
based on your income under this plan, you must
Program loan that is in default, (2) a Federal PLUS
have a partial financial hardship (see definition). If
Loan made to a parent borrower, or (3) a Federal
you are married and file a joint federal income tax
Consolidation Loan that repaid a Federal or Direct
return, your AGI includes your spouse's income.
PLUS Loan made to a parent borrower.
Eligible loans for the PAYE plan are Direct
The standard repayment plan has a fixed monthly
Loan Program loans received by a new borrower
payment amount over a repayment period of up to 10
other than: (1) a loan that is in default, (2) a Direct
years for loans other than Direct or Federal
PLUS Loan made to a parent borrower, or (3) a
Consolidation Loans, or up to 30 years for Direct and
Direct Consolidation Loan that repaid a Direct or
Federal Consolidation Loans.
Federal PLUS Loan made to a parent borrower.
FFEL Program Loans, Federal Perkins Loans, HEAL
loans or other health education loans, and private
The Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE) plan is a
education loans are not eligible to be repaid under
repayment plan with monthly payments that are generally
the PAYE plan.
equal to 10% of your discretionary income, divided by 12.
You are a new borrower for the PAYE plan if:
Discretionary income for the REPAYE plan is the
(1) you have no outstanding balance on a Direct
amount by which your adjusted gross income exceeds
Loan or FFEL Program loan as of October 1, 2007
150% of the poverty guideline amount for your state
or have no outstanding balance on a Direct Loan
of residence and family size. If you are married, your
or FFEL Program loan when you obtain a new loan
AGI generally includes your spouse's income
on or after October 1, 2007, and (2) you receive a
regardless of how you file your federal income tax
disbursement of a Direct Subsidized Loan, Direct
Unsubsidized Loan, or a Direct PLUS Loan made to
a student borrower on or after October 1, 2011,
or you receive a Direct Consolidation Loan based
on an application received on or after October 1,
2011. However, you are not considered a new
borrower if the Direct Consolidation Loan you
receive repays loans that would make you
ineligible under part (1) of this definition.
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