Income-Driven Repayment Plan Request Page 3

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Borrower Name:
Borrower SSN:
19. Does your spouse currently have taxable income?
24. Are you reasonably able to access information
Check "No" if your spouse has no taxable income or
about your spouse's income and able to have your
receives only untaxed income.
spouse sign this application?
Yes - Provide documentation of your spouse's
Yes - Continue to Item 25.
income as instructed in Section 5.
No - Provide documentation of only your
No - Skip to Section 6.
income as instructed in Item 21 or 22 and then
skip to Section 6.
20. Did you file a federal income tax return for either
of the past two years?
25. Did your spouse file a federal income tax return for
Yes - Continue to Item 21.
either of the past two tax years?
No - Skip to Item 22.
Yes - Continue to Item 26.
21. Has your income significantly changed since you
No - Skip to Item 27.
filed your last federal income tax return? For
example, have you lost your job or experienced a
26. Has your spouse's income significantly changed
drop in income?
since your spouse filed his or her last federal
income tax return? For example, has your spouse
Yes - Continue to Item 22.
lost a job or experienced a drop in income?
No - Provide your most recent federal income
Yes - Continue to Item 27.
tax return or transcript. Skip to Item 23.
No - Provide your spouse's most recent federal
22. Do you currently have taxable income? Check "No"
income tax return or transcript. This information
if you have no taxable income or receive only
will only be used for the REPAYE Plan. Skip to
untaxed income.
Section 6.
Yes - Provide documentation of your income as
instructed in Section 5. Continue to Item 23.
27. Does your spouse currently have taxable income?
Check "No" if your spouse has no taxable income or
No - Continue to Item 23.
received only untaxed income.
23. Are you separated from your spouse?
Yes - Provide documentation of your spouse's
Yes - Provide documentation of only your
income as instructed in Section 5. This
income as instructed in Item 21 or 22 and then
information will only be used for the REPAYE
skip to Section 6.
No - Continue to Item 24.
No - Skip to Section 6.
Remember, any person who makes a knowingly false statement or misrepresentation on this form may be subject
to fines, imprisonment, or both.
You only need to follow these instructions if, based on your answers in Section 4, you and your spouse (if applicable) are
required to provide documentation of your current income instead of a tax return or tax transcript. After gathering the
appropriate documentation, continue to Section 6.
• You must provide documentation of all taxable
• If documentation is not available or you want to
income you and your spouse currently receive.
explain your income, attach a signed statement
• Documentation will usually include a pay stub or letter
explaining each source of income and giving the name
and the address of each source of income.
from your employer listing your gross pay.
• You must provide at least one piece of documentation
• Write on your documentation how often you receive
the income, for example, "twice per month" or "every
for each source of taxable income.
• Taxable income includes, for example, income from
other week."
employment, unemployment income, dividend income,
• The date on any supporting documentation you
dividend income, interest income, tips, and alimony.
provide must be no older than 90 days from the date
• Do not provide documentation of untaxed income
you sign this form.
such as Supplemental Security Income, child support,
• Copies of documentation are acceptable.
or federal or state public assistance.
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