Instructions For Form 8938 - 2016 Page 9


trust under Regulations section 1.671-5,
Failure­To­File Penalty
Accuracy­Related Penalty
you do not have to report any specified
If you are required to file Form 8938 but
If you underpay your tax as a result of a
foreign financial asset held by the part of
do not file a complete and correct Form
transaction involving an undisclosed
the trust you are considered to own.
8938 by the due date (including
specified foreign financial asset, you
Domestic bankruptcy trusts. If you
extensions), you may be subject to a
may have to pay a penalty equal to 40
are considered the owner under the
penalty of $10,000.
percent of that underpayment.
grantor trust rules of any part of a
Examples. Examples of
Continuing failure to file. If you do
domestic liquidating trust under
underpayments due to transactions
not file a correct and complete Form
Regulations section 301.7701-4(d) that
involving an undisclosed specified
8938 within 90 days after the IRS mails
is created under chapter 7 or chapter 11
foreign financial asset include the
you a notice of the failure to file, you
of the Bankruptcy Code, you do not
may be subject to an additional penalty
have to report any specified foreign
You do not report ownership of
of $10,000 for each 30-day period (or
financial asset held by the part of the
shares in a foreign corporation on Form
part of a period) during which you
trust you are considered to own.
8938 and you received taxable
continue to fail to file Form 8938 after
distributions from the company that you
Bona fide resident of a U.S. posses­
the 90-day period has expired. The
did not report on your income tax return.
sion. If you are a bona fide resident of
maximum additional penalty for a
You do not report ownership of
a U.S. possession (American Samoa,
continuing failure to file Form 8938 is
shares in a foreign company on Form
Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands,
8938 and you sold the shares in the
Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands),
Married taxpayers filing a joint in­
company for a gain and did not report
do not include the value of the following
come tax return. If you are married
the gain on your income tax return.
assets to determine if you satisfy the
and you and your spouse file a joint
You do not report a foreign pension
reporting threshold that applies to you. If
income tax return, the failure to file
on Form 8938 and you received a
you are required to file Form 8938, you
penalties apply as if you and your
taxable distribution from the pension
do not have to report the following
spouse were a single person. You and
plan that you did not report on your
specified foreign financial assets on
your spouse’s liability for all penalties is
income tax return.
Form 8938.
joint and several.
A financial account maintained by a
Presumption of maximum value. If
financial institution organized under the
the IRS determines that you have an
laws of the U.S. possession of which
If you underpay your tax due to fraud,
interest in one or more specified foreign
you are a bona fide resident.
you must pay a penalty of 75 percent of
financial assets and asks you for
A financial account maintained by a
the underpayment due to fraud.
information about the value of any
branch of a financial institution not
asset, but you do not provide enough
organized under the laws of the U.S.
Criminal Penalties
possession of which you are a bona fide
information for the IRS to determine the
resident, if the branch is subject to the
value of the asset, you are presumed to
In addition to the penalties already
same tax and information reporting
own specified foreign financial assets
discussed, if you fail to file Form 8938,
requirements that apply to a financial
with a value of more than the reporting
fail to report an asset, or have an
institution organized under the laws of
threshold that applies to you. See
underpayment of tax, you may be
the U.S. possession of which you are a
Determining the Reporting Threshold
subject to criminal penalties.
That Applies to You, earlier. In such
bona fide resident.
Statute of Limitations
case you are subject to the failure-to-file
Stock or securities issued by an entity
penalties if you do not file Form 8938.
organized under the laws of the U.S.
If you fail to file Form 8938 or fail to
possession of which you are a bona fide
report a specified foreign financial asset
Reasonable cause exception. No
that you are required to report, the
penalty will be imposed if you fail to file
An interest in an entity organized
statute of limitations for the tax year may
Form 8938 or to disclose one or more
under the laws of the U.S. possession of
remain open for all or a part of your
specified foreign financial assets on
which you are a bona fide resident.
income tax return until 3 years after the
Form 8938 and the failure is due to
A financial instrument or contract held
date on which you file Form 8938.
reasonable cause and not to willful
for investment, provided each issuer or
neglect. You must affirmatively show the
Extended statute of limitations for
counterparty that is not a U.S. person is
facts that support a reasonable cause
failure to include income. If you do
either an entity organized under the
not include in your gross income an
laws of the U.S. possession of which
amount relating to one or more specified
The determination of whether a
you are a bona fide resident or a bona
foreign financial assets, and the amount
failure to disclose a specified foreign
fide resident of the U.S. possession of
you omit is more than $5,000, any tax
financial asset on Form 8938 was due to
which you are a bona fide resident.
you owe for the tax year can be
reasonable cause and not due to willful
assessed at any time within 6 years
neglect will be determined on a
after you filed your return.
case-by-base basis, taking into account
You may be subject to penalties if you
all pertinent facts and circumstances.
For this purpose, specified foreign
fail to timely file a correct Form 8938 or
financial assets include any specified
if you have an understatement of tax
Effect of foreign jurisdiction laws.
foreign financial assets in which you
relating to an undisclosed specified
The fact that a foreign jurisdiction would
have an interest without regard to the
foreign financial asset.
impose a civil or criminal penalty on you
reporting threshold that applies to you
if you disclose the required information
and regardless of any exception from
is not reasonable cause.
reporting a specified foreign financial
asset on Form 8938.
Instructions for Form 8938 (2016)


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