Instructions For Form 8938 - 2016 Page 8


financial asset and include the
the tax year. If you do not know or have
you report it on one or more of the
maximum value of the entire asset.
reason to know based on readily
following forms that you timely file with
accessible information the fair market
the IRS for the same tax year.
Valuing financial accounts. You may
value as of the last day of the tax year,
Form 3520, Annual Return To Report
rely on periodic account statements for
the maximum value is the fair market
Transactions With Foreign Trusts and
the tax year to report a financial
value, determined as of the last day of
Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts.
account's maximum value unless you
the tax year, of the cash and other
Form 5471, Information Return of
know or have reason to know based on
property distributed during the tax year
U.S. Persons With Respect To Certain
readily accessible information that the
to you as a beneficiary or participant. If
Foreign Corporations.
statements do not reflect a reasonable
you received no distributions during the
Form 8621, Information Return by a
estimate of the maximum account value
tax year and do not know or have
Shareholder of a Passive Foreign
during the tax year.
reason to know based on readily
Investment Company or Qualified
Valuing other specified foreign fi­
accessible information the fair market
Electing Fund.
nancial assets. In most cases, you
value of your interest as of the last day
Form 8865, Return of U.S. Persons
may use the value of a specified foreign
of the tax year, use a value of zero as
With Respect to Certain Foreign
financial asset that is not a financial
the maximum value of the asset.
account and that is held for investment
Instead, you must identify on Form
and not held in an account maintained
Assets Not Required To Be
8938 the form(s) on which you report
by a financial institution as of the last
the specified foreign financial asset and
day of the tax year, unless you know or
how many of these forms you file. See
You are not required to report the
have reason to know based on readily
Part IV. Excepted Specified Foreign
following assets.
accessible information that the value
Assets, later.
does not reflect a reasonable estimate
Certain financial accounts. The
Joint Form 5471 or Form 8865 filers.
of the maximum value of the asset
following financial accounts and the
If you are included as part of a joint
during the tax year.
assets held in such accounts are not
Form 5471 or Form 8865 filing and
Example. I have publicly traded
specified foreign financial assets and do
provide the notification required by
not have to be reported on Form 8938.
foreign stock not held in a financial
Regulations section 1.6038-2(i) or
account that has a fair market value
1. A financial account that is
Regulations section 1.6038-3(c), you
as of the last day of the tax year of
maintained by a U.S. payer, such as a
are considered to have filed that form
$100,000, although, based on daily
domestic financial institution. In general,
for purposes of Part IV, Excepted
price information that is readily
a U.S. payer also includes a domestic
Specified Foreign Financial Assets,
available, the 52-week high trading
branch of a foreign bank or foreign
price for the stock results in a
insurance company and a foreign
Foreign grantor trusts. If you are
maximum value of the stock during
branch or foreign subsidiary of a U.S.
considered the owner under the grantor
the tax year of $150,000. If you are
financial institution.
trust rules of any part of a foreign trust,
required to file Form 8938, the
Examples of financial accounts
you do not have to report any of the
maximum value of the foreign stock to
maintained by U.S. financial institutions
specified foreign financial assets held
be reported is $150,000, based on
by the part of the trust you are
readily available information of the
U.S. mutual funds accounts;
considered to own if you satisfy the
stock’s maximum value during the tax
IRAs (traditional or Roth);
following conditions.
Section 401(k) retirement accounts;
You report the trust on a Form 3520
Qualified U.S. retirement plans;
Valuing interests in foreign trusts. If
that you timely file with the IRS for the
Brokerage accounts maintained by
you are a beneficiary of a foreign trust,
same tax year.
U.S. financial institutions.
the maximum value of your interest in
The trust timely files Form 3520-A,
the trust is the sum of the following
2. A financial account that is
Annual Information Return of Foreign
maintained by a dealer or trader in
Trust With a U.S. Owner, with the IRS
The value of all of the cash or other
securities or commodities if all of the
for the same tax year.
property distributed during the tax year
holdings in the account are subject to
Instead, you must identify on Form
from the trust to you as a beneficiary,
the mark-to-market accounting rules for
8938 how many of these forms you file.
dealers in securities or an election
Part IV. Excepted Specified Foreign
The value using the valuation tables
under section 475(e) or (f) is made for
Assets, later.
under section 7520 of your right as a
all of the holdings in the account.
beneficiary to receive mandatory
If you are a specified individual,
Certain financial assets. You do not
distributions as of the last day of the tax
you must include the value of
have to report any asset that is not held
the assets reported on Forms
in a financial account if the asset is
3520, 3520-A, 5471, 8621, and 8865 in
Valuing interests in foreign estates,
subject to the mark-to-market
determining whether you satisfy the
foreign pension plans, and foreign
accounting rules for dealers in securities
reporting threshold that applies to you.
deferred compensation plans. If you
or commodities or an election under
Reporting Thresholds Applying to
have an interest in a foreign estate,
section 475(e) or (f) is made for the
Individuals, earlier.
foreign pension plan, or foreign deferred
compensation plan, the maximum value
Domestic investment trusts. If you
of your interest is the fair market value
Exceptions to Reporting
are considered the owner under the
of your beneficial interest in the assets
grantor trust rules of any part of a
of the estate, pension plan, or deferred
Duplicative reporting. You do not
domestic widely held fixed investment
compensation plan as of the last day of
have to report any asset on Form 8938 if
Instructions for Form 8938 (2016)


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