Instructions For Form 8938 - 2016 Page 7


financial account that holds specified
the part of the year that you are a
specified foreign financial asset for the
foreign financial assets, you do not have
specified individual.
purpose of determining the total value of
to report the assets held in the account.
your specified foreign financial assets to
Example 1. John is a calendar year
see whether you have met the reporting
taxpayer. The Form 8938 reporting
Interests in assets generating cer­
threshold. Use this rate even if you sold
period begins on January 1 and ends on
tain unearned income of children. If
or otherwise disposed of the specified
December 31.
you file Form 8814, Parents' Election To
foreign financial asset before the last
Report Child's Interest and Dividends,
Example 2. Agnes was a single,
day of the tax year.
with your income tax return to elect to
calendar year taxpayer who died on
include in your gross income certain
Exception for financial account
March 6. The Form 8938 reporting
unearned income of your child (the
statement currency conversion rate.
period begins on January 1 and ends on
“kiddie tax” election), you have an
You may rely on the foreign currency
March 6.
interest in any specified foreign financial
conversion rate reflected in a financial
Example 3. George, a calendar year
asset held by the child.
account statement issued at least
taxpayer, is not a U.S. citizen or
annually by the financial institution
Interests in assets held by entities
married. George arrived in the United
maintaining the account.
that are not disregarded entities. In
States on February 1 and satisfied the
most cases, you do not own an interest
Reporting the value of jointly owned
substantial presence test for the tax
in any specified foreign financial asset
assets. If you own an asset jointly with
year. The Form 8938 reporting period
held by a partnership, corporation, trust,
one or more persons, you must report
begins on George's U.S. residency
or estate solely as a result of your status
the asset's maximum value as follows.
starting date, February 1, and ends on
as a partner, shareholder, or
December 31.
Married specified individuals
filing a joint income tax return. If you
Interests in assets held by grantor
Reporting Maximum Value
are married and you and your spouse
trust. If you are considered the owner
file a joint income tax return, report any
You must report the maximum value
under the grantor trust rules of any part
specified foreign financial asset that you
during the tax year of each specified
of a trust, you have an interest in any
jointly own only once and include the
foreign financial asset reported on Form
specified foreign financial asset held by
maximum value of the entire asset (and
8938. In most cases, the value of a
that part of the trust you are considered
not just the maximum value of your
specified foreign financial asset is its fair
to own. For exceptions from reporting
interest in the asset). Also, you must
market value. An appraisal by a third
for owners of certain domestic
report any specified foreign financial
party is not necessary to estimate the
investment or bankruptcy trusts, see
asset that you or your spouse
maximum fair market value during the
Domestic investment trusts
separately own and include the
year. See
Valuing financial
Domestic bankruptcy trusts
maximum value of the entire asset. If
Valuing other specified foreign
Exceptions to Reporting, later.
you and your spouse file a joint income
assets, later.
tax return that includes Form 8814, you
Interests in foreign estates and for­
Assets with no positive value. If the
must report any specified foreign
eign trusts. An interest in a foreign
maximum value of a specified foreign
financial asset your child owns only
trust or a foreign estate is not a
financial asset is less than zero, use a
once and include the maximum value of
specified foreign financial asset unless
value of zero as the maximum value of
the entire asset.
you know or have reason to know based
the asset.
on readily accessible information of the
Married specified individuals
interest. If you receive a distribution
Foreign currency conversion. If your
filing separate income tax returns. If
from the foreign trust or foreign estate,
specified foreign financial asset is
you are married and you and your
you are considered to know of the
denominated in a foreign currency
spouse are specified individuals who file
during the tax year, the maximum value
separate income tax returns, both you
of the asset must be determined in the
and your spouse report any specified
Interests in foreign pension plans
foreign currency and then converted to
foreign financial asset that you jointly
and foreign deferred compensation
U.S. dollars.
own on your separate Forms 8938, and
plans. Report in Part VI your interest in
both you and your spouse must include
In most cases, you must use the U.S.
the foreign pension plan or foreign
the maximum value of the entire asset
Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service
deferred compensation plan. Do not
on your separate Forms 8938. You also
foreign currency exchange rate for
separately report the assets held by the
must report any specified foreign
purchasing U.S. dollars. You can find
plan. See
Valuing interests in foreign
financial asset that you own individually
this rate on
estates, foreign pension plans, and
on your separate Form 8938 and
deferred compensation
plans, in
include the maximum value of the entire
treasRptRateExch_home.htm. If no U.S.
Reporting Maximum Value, later.
asset. If you file Form 8814, you must
Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service
report any specified foreign financial
exchange rate is available, you must
Reporting Period
asset your child owns and include the
use another publicly available foreign
Unless an exception applies, the
maximum value of the entire asset.
currency exchange rate for purchasing
reporting period for Form 8938 is your
U.S. dollars and disclose the rate on
Other joint ownership. If you are a
tax year.
Form 8938.
joint owner of a specified foreign
Exception for partial tax years of
financial asset and you cannot use one
Currency determination date. Use
specified individuals. If you are a
of the special rules for married
the currency exchange rate on the last
specified individual for less than the
individuals who file a joint tax return, you
day of the tax year to figure the
entire tax year, the reporting period is
must report the specified foreign
maximum value of a specified foreign
financial asset or the value of a
Instructions for Form 8938 (2016)


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