Instructions For Form 8938 - 2016 Page 6


of $10,000. I have a separate interest
organized under the laws of a U.S.
non-retirement savings accounts
in a specified foreign financial asset
possession (American Samoa, Guam,
described in Regulations section
with a value of $60,000. You have to
the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto
1.1471-5(b)(2)(i), you must report
file Form 8938 but your spouse, who is
Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands).
retirement and pension accounts,
not a specified individual, does not. You
non-retirement savings accounts, and
Foreign financial institution. In
have an interest in specified foreign
accounts satisfying conditions similar to
most cases, a foreign financial
financial assets in the amount of
those described in Regulations section
institution is any financial institution that
$210,000 on the last day of the tax year.
1.1471-5(b)(2)(i) that are otherwise
is not a U.S. entity and satisfies one or
This is the entire value of the asset that
excluded from the definition of a
more of the following.
you jointly own, $150,000, plus the
financial account by an applicable
It accepts deposits in the ordinary
entire value of the asset that you
Model 1 IGA or Model 2 IGA. Thus,
course of a banking or similar business.
separately own, $60,000. You satisfy
such accounts are subject to uniform
It holds financial assets for the
the reporting threshold for a married
reporting rules and must be reported
account of others as a substantial part
individual living abroad and filing a
without regard to whether the account is
of its business.
separate return of more than $200,000
maintained in a jurisdiction with an IGA.
It is engaged (or holds itself out as
on the last day of the tax year.
being engaged) primarily in the
business of investing, reinvesting, or
Interests in Specified Foreign
Specified Foreign Financial Assets
trading in securities, partnership
Financial Assets
interests, commodities, or any interest
Specified foreign financial assets
(including a futures or forward contract
include the following assets.
You have an interest in a specified
or option) in such securities, partnership
foreign financial asset if any income,
1. Financial accounts maintained by
interests, or commodities.
gains, losses, deductions, credits, gross
a foreign financial institution.
proceeds, or distributions from holding
A foreign financial institution includes
2. The following foreign financial
or disposing of the asset are or would
investment vehicles such as foreign
assets if they are held for investment
be required to be reported, included, or
mutual funds, foreign hedge funds, and
and not held in an account maintained
otherwise reflected on your income tax
foreign private equity funds.
by a financial institution:
Other specified foreign financial as­
a. Stock or securities issued by
sets. Examples of other specified
someone that is not a U.S. person
You have an interest in a specified
foreign financial assets include the
(including stock or securities issued by
foreign financial asset even if no
following, if they are held for investment
a person organized under the laws of a
income, gains, losses, deductions,
and not held in a financial account.
U.S. possession),
credits, gross proceeds, or distributions
Stock issued by a foreign corporation.
b. Any interest in a foreign entity,
from holding or disposing of the asset
A capital or profits interest in a foreign
are included or reflected on your income
tax return for this tax year.
c. Any financial instrument or
A note, bond, debenture, or other
contract that has an issuer or
form of indebtedness issued by a
Interests in property transferred in
counterparty that is not a U.S. person
foreign person.
connection with the performance of
(including a financial contract issued by,
An interest in a foreign trust or foreign
services. You are first considered to
or with a counterparty that is, a person
have an interest in property transferred
organized under the laws of a U.S.
An interest rate swap, currency swap,
in connection with the performance of
basis swap, interest rate cap, interest
services on the first date that the
rate floor, commodity swap, equity
property is substantially vested (within
For foreign financial assets excepted
swap, equity index swap, credit default
the meaning of Regulations section
from reporting, see
Assets Not Required
swap, or similar agreement with a
1.83-3(b)) or, if you have made a valid
To Be
Reported, later.
foreign counterparty.
section 83(b) election with respect to
Foreign social security. An interest
An option or other derivative
the property, on the date of transfer of
in a social security, social insurance, or
instrument with respect to any of these
the property.
examples or with respect to any
other similar program of a foreign
Interests in assets held by disregar­
currency or commodity that is entered
government is not a specified foreign
ded entities. If you are the owner of a
into with a foreign counterparty or
financial asset.
disregarded entity, you have an interest
Financial account. A financial account
in any specified foreign financial assets
Assets held for investment. You hold
is any depository or custodial account
owned by the disregarded entity.
an asset, including a partnership
(under Regulations section 1.1471-5(b)
Interests in jointly owned assets. A
interest, for investment if you do not use
(1)(i) or (ii)) maintained by a foreign
joint owner of an asset has an interest in
financial institution as well as any equity
it in, or hold it for use in, the conduct of
the entire asset. For special rules for
or debt interest in a foreign financial
any trade or business.
interests in assets jointly owned by
institution (other than interests that are
Stock is not considered used or held
spouses, see
Joint interests
regularly traded on an established
for use in the conduct of a trade or
Determining the Total Value of Your
securities market) or any cash value life
Specified Foreign Financial Assets,
insurance or annuity contract
earlier, and
Reporting the value of jointly
For taxable years beginning on
maintained by an insurance company or
assets, in Reporting Maximum
or after December 12, 2014, if
other foreign financial institution. A
Value, later.
you are required to file Form
specified foreign financial asset
8938, in addition to reporting retirement
Interests in assets held in financial
includes a financial account maintained
and pension accounts and
accounts. If you have an interest in a
by a financial institution that is
Instructions for Form 8938 (2016)


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