Instructions For Form 8938 - 2016 Page 5


and I jointly own a specified foreign
value of the asset, $30,000, to
Bona fide resident of a U.S. posses­
financial asset valued at $60,000.
determine the total value of specified
sion. Do not include the value of
You each have to file Form 8938. You
foreign financial assets that you each
specified foreign financial assets you
each satisfy the reporting threshold of
own. Neither of you satisfies the
are not required to report because you
more than $50,000 on the last day of the
reporting threshold of more than
are a bona fide resident of a U.S.
tax year.
$50,000 on the last day of the tax year
possession. See
Bona fide resident of a
or more than $75,000 at any time during
possession, under Exceptions to
I am not married and do not live
the tax year.
Reporting, later.
abroad. I own an entity disregarded
for tax purposes, which owns one
My spouse and I file separate
Owners of certain domestic trusts.
specified foreign financial asset
income tax returns, jointly and
Do not include the value of specified
valued at $30,000. In addition, I own
individually own specified foreign
foreign financial assets you are not
a specified foreign financial asset
financial assets, and do not live
required to report because you are an
valued at $25,000. You have to file
abroad. On the last day of the tax
owner of a domestic widely-held fixed
Form 8938. You own both the specified
year, my spouse and I jointly own a
investment trust or a domestic
foreign financial asset owned by the
specified foreign financial asset with
liquidating trust created under chapter 7
disregarded entity and the specified
a value of $90,000. My spouse has a
or chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.
foreign financial asset you own directly,
separate interest in a specified
Domestic investment
trusts, and
for a total value of $55,000. You satisfy
foreign financial asset with a value
Domestic bankruptcy
trusts, under
the reporting threshold of more than
of $10,000. I have a separate interest
Exceptions to Reporting, later.
$50,000 on the last day of the tax year.
in a specified foreign financial asset
Related domestic corporations and
with a value of $1,000. You do not
My spouse and I do not live
partnerships. To determine if you
have to file Form 8938 but your spouse
abroad and file a joint income tax
satisfy the applicable reporting
does. Your spouse has an interest in
return. We jointly own a single
threshold, a specified domestic entity
specified foreign financial assets in the
specified foreign financial asset
that is a corporation or partnership and
amount of $55,000 on the last day of the
valued at $60,000. You and your
that has an interest in any specified
tax year. This is one-half of the value of
spouse do not have to file Form 8938.
foreign financial asset is treated as
the asset that you jointly own, $45,000,
You do not satisfy the reporting
owning all specified foreign financial
plus the entire value of the asset that
threshold of more than $100,000 on the
assets held by all related corporations
your spouse separately owns, $10,000.
last day of the tax year or more than
or partnerships that are closely held by
You have an interest in specified foreign
$150,000 at any time during the tax
the same specified individual (excluding
financial assets in the amount of
specified foreign financial assets that
$46,000 on the last day of the tax year.
My spouse and I do not live
are excluded from reporting under Part
This is one-half of the value of the asset
abroad, file a joint income tax return,
IV of Form 8938 or because you are the
that you jointly own, $45,000, plus the
and jointly and individually own
owner of a domestic widely-held fixed
entire value of the asset that you
specified foreign financial assets.
investment trust or a domestic
separately own, $1,000. Your spouse
On the last day of the tax year, my
liquidating trust created under chapter 7
satisfies the reporting threshold of more
spouse and I jointly own a specified
or chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code).
than $50,000 on the last day of the tax
foreign financial asset with a value
year. You do not satisfy the reporting
of $90,000. My spouse has a
threshold of more than $50,000 on the
separate interest in a specified
last day of the tax year or more than
These examples may help you decide if
foreign financial asset with a value
$75,000 at any time during the tax year.
you have to file Form 8938.
of $10,000. I have a separate interest
My spouse and I are U.S. citizens
in a specified foreign financial asset
I am not married and do not live
but live abroad for the entire tax
with a value of $1,000. You and your
abroad. The total value of my
year and file a joint income tax
spouse have to file a combined Form
specified foreign financial assets
return. The total value of our
8938. You and your spouse have an
does not exceed $49,000 during the
combined specified foreign financial
interest in specified foreign financial
tax year. You do not have to file Form
assets on any day of the tax year is
assets in the amount of $101,000 on the
8938. You do not satisfy the reporting
$150,000. You and your spouse do not
last day of the tax year. This is the entire
threshold of more than $50,000 on the
have to file Form 8938. You do not
value of the specified foreign financial
last day of the tax year or more than
satisfy the reporting threshold of more
asset that you jointly own, $90,000, plus
$75,000 at any time during the tax year.
than $400,000 on the last day of the tax
the value of the asset that your spouse
I am not married and do not live
year or more than $600,000 at any time
separately owns, $10,000, plus the
abroad. I sold my only specified
during the tax year for married
value of the asset that you separately
foreign financial asset on October
individuals who live abroad and file a
own, $1,000. You and your spouse
15, when its value was $125,000.
joint income tax return.
satisfy the reporting threshold of more
You have to file Form 8938. You satisfy
than $100,000 on the last day of the tax
My spouse and I live abroad and
the reporting threshold even though you
file separate income tax returns. My
do not hold any specified foreign
spouse is not a specified individual.
My spouse and I do not live
financial assets on the last day of the
On the last day of the tax year, my
abroad, file separate income tax
tax year because you did own specified
spouse and I jointly own a specified
returns, and jointly own a specified
foreign financial assets of more than
foreign financial asset with a value
foreign financial asset valued at
$75,000 at any time during the tax year.
of $150,000. My spouse has a
$60,000 for the entire year. Neither
I am not married and do not live
separate interest in a specified
you nor your spouse has to file Form
abroad. An unrelated U.S. resident
foreign financial asset with a value
8938. You each use one-half of the
Instructions for Form 8938 (2016)


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