Instructions For Form 8938 - 2016 Page 4


Married taxpayers filing separate
value of your interest, use a value of
Determining the Total Value of
income tax returns. If you are married
zero for the interest.
Your Specified Foreign Financial
and file a separate income tax return
Asset with no positive value. If the
from your spouse, you satisfy the
maximum value of a specified foreign
You must figure the total value of the
reporting threshold only if the total value
financial asset is less than zero, use a
specified foreign financial assets in
of your specified foreign financial assets
value of zero for the asset.
which you have an interest to determine
is more than $50,000 on the last day of
if you satisfy the reporting threshold that
Joint interests. If you jointly own an
the tax year or more than $75,000 at
applies to you. To determine if you have
asset with someone else, the value that
any time during the tax year.
an interest in a specified foreign
you use to determine the total value of
Taxpayers living outside the United
financial asset, see
Interests in
all of your specified foreign financial
States. If your tax home is in a foreign
Specified Foreign Financial
assets depends on whether the other
country, you meet one of the presence
owner is your spouse and, if so, whether
abroad tests described next, and no
your spouse is a specified individual
Valuing specified foreign financial
exception applies, file Form 8938 with
and whether you file a joint or separate
assets. The value of a specified
your income tax return if you satisfy the
foreign financial asset for purposes of
reporting threshold discussed next that
determining the total value of specified
applies to you.
Joint ownership with spouse
foreign financial assets in which you
filing joint income tax return. If you
Unmarried taxpayers. If you are
have an interest during the tax year or
and your spouse file a joint income tax
not married, you satisfy the reporting
on the last day of the tax year is the
return and, therefore, would file one
threshold only if the total value of your
asset's fair market value. For purposes
combined Form 8938 for the tax year,
specified foreign financial assets is
of figuring the total value of specified
include the value of the asset jointly
more than $200,000 on the last day of
foreign financial assets, the value of a
owned with your spouse only once to
the tax year or more than $300,000 at
specified foreign financial asset
determine the total value of all of the
any time during the tax year.
denominated in a foreign currency must
specified foreign financial assets you
be first determined in the foreign
and your spouse own.
Married taxpayers filing a joint
currency and then converted to U.S.
income tax return. If you are married
Joint ownership with spouse
dollars. See
Foreign currency
and you and your spouse file a joint
filing separate income tax return. If
in Reporting Maximum
income tax return, you satisfy the
you and your spouse are specified
Value, later, for rules on determining
reporting threshold only if the total value
individuals and you each file a separate
and applying the appropriate foreign
of your specified foreign financial assets
annual return, include one-half of the
currency exchange rate.
is more than $400,000 on the last day of
value of the asset jointly owned with
the tax year or more than $600,000 at
Value of an interest in a foreign trust
your spouse to determine the total value
any time during the tax year.
during the tax year. If you do not
of all of your specified foreign financial
know or have reason to know based on
Married taxpayers filing separate
readily accessible information the fair
income tax returns. If you are married
Joint ownership with a spouse
market value of your interest in a foreign
and file a separate income tax return
who is not a specified individual or
trust during the tax year, the value to be
from your spouse, you satisfy the
someone other than a spouse. Each
included in determining the total value of
reporting threshold only if the total value
joint owner includes the entire value of
your specified foreign financial assets
of your specified foreign financial assets
the jointly owned asset to determine the
during the tax year is the maximum
is more than $200,000 on the last day of
total value of all of that joint owner's
value of your interest in the foreign trust.
the tax year or more than $300,000 at
specified foreign financial assets.
Valuing interests in foreign trusts
any time during the tax year.
Reporting Maximum Value, later, for
Presence abroad. You satisfy the
Special Rules
rules on determining the maximum
presence abroad test if you are one of
value of an interest in a foreign trust.
Assets reported on another form
the following.
Value of an interest in a foreign es­
A U.S. citizen who has been a bona
Specified individual. If you are a
tate, foreign pension plan, and for­
fide resident of a foreign country or
specified individual, include the value of
eign deferred compensation plan. If
countries for an uninterrupted period
all specified foreign financial assets,
you do not know or have reason to know
that includes an entire tax year.
even if they are reported on another
based on readily accessible information
A U.S. citizen or resident who is
form listed in Part IV, to determine if you
the fair market value of your interest in a
present in a foreign country or countries
satisfy the reporting threshold that
foreign estate, foreign pension plan, or
at least 330 full days during any period
applies to you. See
Part IV. Excepted
foreign deferred compensation plan
of 12 consecutive months that ends in
Specified Foreign Financial
during the tax year, the value to be
the tax year being reported.
included in determining the total value of
your specified foreign financial assets
Specified domestic entity. If you
Reporting Thresholds Applying to
during the tax year is the fair market
are a specified domestic entity, exclude
value, determined as of the last day of
Specified Domestic Entities
the value of any specified foreign
the tax year, of the currency and other
financial asset reported on another form
If you are a specified domestic entity,
property distributed during the tax year
listed in Part IV, to determine if you
you satisfy the reporting threshold only if
to you. If you received no distributions
satisfy the applicable reporting
the total value of your specified foreign
during the tax year and do not know or
financial assets is more than $50,000 on
have reason to know based on readily
the last day of the tax year or more than
accessible information the fair market
$75,000 at any time during the tax year.
Instructions for Form 8938 (2016)


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