Instructions For Form 8938 - 2016 Page 3


stock of the common parent, is owned
persons (a specified individual or a
A bank that is examined by the Office
by one or more of the other connected
specified domestic entity) as a current
of the Comptroller of the Currency, the
corporations, connected partnerships,
beneficiary for the taxable year.
Board of Governors of the Federal
or the common parent.
Reserve System, the Federal Deposit
Current beneficiary. With respect
Insurance Corporation, or the National
2. Partnership interests
to a taxable year, a current beneficiary
Credit Union Administration,
representing at least 80 percent of the
is any person who at any time during the
A financial institution that is registered
profits interests or capital interests of
taxable year is entitled to, or at the
with and regulated or examined by the
the partnership, other than partnership
discretion of any person may receive, a
Securities and Exchange Commission,
interests in the common parent, is
distribution from the principal or income
owned by one or more of the other
of the trust (determined without regard
A domestic corporation described in
connected corporations, connected
to any power of appointment to the
section 1473(3)(A) or (B), and the
partnerships, or the common parent.
extent that such power remains
regulations issued with respect to those
unexercised at the end of the taxable
Percentage of passive assets held
by a corporation or partnership. For
2. The trustee has supervisory
Special rule for general powers of
purposes of determining whether at
authority over or fiduciary obligations
appointment. A current beneficiary
least 50 percent of your assets produce
with regard to the specified foreign
also includes any holder of a general
or are held for the production of passive
financial assets held by the trust, and
power of appointment, whether or not
income, the percentage of passive
3. The trustee files annual returns
exercised, that was exercisable at any
assets held by the corporation or
and information returns by the due date
time during the taxable year. A holder of
partnership for a taxable year is the
(including any applicable extensions) on
a general power of appointment that is
weighted average percentage of
behalf of the trust.
exercisable only on the death of the
passive assets (weighted by total assets
holder is not a current beneficiary.
and measured quarterly). The value of
Domestic trusts owned by one or
assets of the corporation or partnership
more specified persons. A trust
is the fair market value or the book
described in section 7701(a)(30)(E) to
Excepted Specified Domestic
value. The book value of assets is the
the extent the trust or any portion of the
amount reflected on the corporation’s or
trust is treated as owned by one or more
partnership’s balance sheet and may be
specified persons under sections 671
Entities described in section
determined under either a U.S. or an
through 678 and the regulations.
1473(3). An entity described in section
international financial accounting
1473(3) and the regulations thereunder,
standard. See example below, which
with the exception of a trust that is
Reporting Thresholds
illustrates the application of this
exempt from tax under section 664(c), is
weighted average asset rule.
not a specified domestic entity.
Reporting Thresholds Applying to
Certain domestic trusts. A trust
Specified Individuals
described in section 7701(a)(30)(E) is
Domestic trusts. A trust described in
If you are a specified individual, your
not considered a specified domestic
section 7701(a)(30)(E) is considered a
applicable reporting threshold depends
entity, provided that:
specified domestic entity if and only if
upon whether you are married, file a
1. The trustee is one of the
the trust has one or more specified
joint federal income tax return, and live
inside (or outside) the United States.
Taxpayers living in the United
States. If you do not live outside the
The following example illustrates the application of the weighted average asset rule.
United States, you satisfy the reporting
threshold discussed next that applies to
DC is a domestic corporation, the total value of the stock of which is owned by L, a specified
you and no exception applies, file Form
individual. DC is a calendar year taxpayer. Less than 50% of DC’s gross income for its taxable year
beginning January 1, 2016, is passive income. DC has the following assets in 2016, measured
8938 with your income tax return.
Unmarried taxpayers. If you are
not married, you satisfy the reporting
threshold only if the total value of your
Passive Assets
Total Assets
specified foreign financial assets is
more than $50,000 on the last day of the
tax year or more than $75,000 at any
time during the tax year.
Married taxpayers filing a joint
income tax return. If you are married
Taxable Year Totals
and you and your spouse file a joint
income tax return, you satisfy the
reporting threshold only if the total value
DC’s weighted passive asset percentage for taxable year 2016 is 40%, that is, DC’s total passive
of your specified foreign financial assets
assets divided by its total assets ($800 / $2,000 = 40%). Because fewer than 50% of DC’s assets
is more than $100,000 on the last day of
produce or are held for the production of passive income and less than 50% of DC’s gross income for
the tax year or more than $150,000 at
its taxable year is passive income, DC does not meet the passive asset or passive income threshold
any time during the tax year.
and would not be a specified domestic entity.
Instructions for Form 8938 (2016)


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