Instructions For Form 8938 - 2016 Page 2


Aliens. If you qualify as a resident alien
A domestic trust described in section
described in paragraph (1), (2), or (8) of
under either rule, you are a specified
7701(a)(30)(E) that has one or more
section 1221(a),
specified persons (a specified individual
The excess of foreign currency gains
or a specified domestic entity) as a
over foreign currency losses (as defined
Special rule for dual resident taxpay­
current beneficiary.
in section 988(b)) attributable to any
ers. If you are a dual resident taxpayer
section 988 transaction, and
(within the meaning of Treasury
Closely held domestic corporation.
Net income from notional principal
Regulations section 301.7701(b)-7(a)
A domestic corporation is closely held if,
(1)), who determines his or her income
on the last day of the corporation’s
tax liability for all or a portion of the
taxable year, a specified individual
Exception from passive income
taxable year as if he or she were a
directly, indirectly, or constructively
treatment for dealers. In the case of a
nonresident alien as provided by
owns at least 80 percent of the total
domestic corporation or partnership
Treasury Regulations section
combined voting power of all classes of
regularly acting as a dealer in property
301.7701(b)-7, file Form 8938 as
stock of the corporation entitled to vote
described in Regulations section
or at least 80 percent of the total value
1.6038D-6(b)(3)(i)(F), forward
of the stock of the corporation.
contracts, options contracts, or similar
Specified individual filing as a
financial instruments (including notional
Closely held domestic partnership.
nonresident alien at the end of his or
principal contracts and all instruments
A domestic partnership is closely held if,
her taxable year. You are not
referenced to commodities) passive
on the last day of the partnership’s
required to report specified foreign
income does not include the following:
taxable year, a specified individual
financial assets on Form 8938 for the
1. Any item of income or gain (other
directly, indirectly, or constructively
portion of your taxable year covered by
than any dividends or interest) from any
holds at least 80 percent of the capital
Form 1040NR or Form 1040NR-EZ,
transaction (including hedging
or profits interest in the partnership.
provided you comply with the filing
transactions and transactions involving
requirements of Treasury Regulations
Constructive ownership. Sections
physical settlement) entered into in the
section 301.7701(b)-7(b) and (c),
267(c) and (e)(3) apply for purposes of
ordinary course of such dealer’s trade or
including the requirement to timely file
determining a specified individual’s
business as such a dealer.
Form 1040NR or Form 1040NR-EZ, as
constructive ownership in a domestic
applicable, and attach Form 8833.
2. In the case of a corporation or
corporation or partnership, except that
partnership that is a dealer in securities
section 267(c)(4) is applied as if the
Specified individual filing as a
(within the meaning of section 475(c)
family of an individual includes the
resident alien at the end of his or her
(2)), any income from any transaction
spouses of the specified individual’s
taxable year. You are not required to
entered into in the ordinary course of the
family members.
report specified foreign financial assets
corporation’s or partnership’s trade or
on Form 8938 for the portion of your
Passive income. Passive income
business as a dealer in securities.
taxable year reflected on the schedule
means the portion of gross income that
to Form 1040 or the schedule to Form
consists of:
Passive income or assets of related
1040EZ, as applicable, required by
Dividends, including substitute
corporations and partnerships. For
Treasury Regulations section
purposes of determining whether a
1.6012-1(b)(ii)(a), provided you comply
domestic corporation or partnership
with the filing requirements of Treasury
Income equivalent to interest,
meets the passive income or asset test,
Regulations section 1.6012-1(b)(2)(ii)
including substitute interest,
domestic corporations and domestic
(a), including the requirement to timely
Rents and royalties, other than rents
partnerships that are closely held by the
file Form 1040 or Form 1040EZ and
and royalties derived in the active
same specified individual and that are
attach a properly completed Form 8833.
conduct of a trade or business
connected through stock or partnership
conducted, at least in part, by
ownership with a common parent
Specified Domestic Entity
employees of the corporation or
corporation or partnership are treated as
owning the combined assets and
You are a specified domestic entity if
receiving the combined income of all
you are one of the following.
The excess of gains over losses from
members of that group. For this
A closely held domestic corporation
the sale or exchange of property
purpose, any contract, equity, or debt
that has at least 50 percent of its gross
described in Regulations section
existing between members of the group,
income from passive income.
1.6038D-6(b)(3)(i)(F) and that give rise
as well as any items of gross income
A closely held domestic corporation if
to the types of passive income listed
arising from that contract, equity, or debt
at least 50 percent of its assets produce
is eliminated.
or are held for the production of passive
The excess of gains over losses from
income (see
Passive income
Connected stock or partnership
transactions (including futures,
Percentage of passive assets held by a
ownership. A domestic corporation or
forwards, and similar transactions) in
corporation or
partnership., later)
partnership is considered connected
any commodity, but not including,
A closely held domestic partnership
through stock or partnership interest
1. Any commodity hedging
that has at least 50 percent of its gross
ownership with a common parent
transaction described in section 954(c)
income from passive income.
corporation or partnership in the
(5)(A), or
A closely held domestic partnership if
following circumstances.
at least 50 percent of its assets produce
2. Active business gains or losses
1. Stock representing at least 80
or are held for the production of passive
from the sale of commodities, but only if
percent of the total combined voting
income (see
income, and
substantially all the corporation’s or
power of all classes of stock of the
Percentage of passive assets held by a
partnership’s commodities are property
corporation entitled to vote or of the
corporation or
partnership, later).
value of such corporation, other than
Instructions for Form 8938 (2016)


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