Instructions For Form 8938 - 2016 Page 12


2. The foreign currency exchange
Note. If this account or asset has more
unless the form displays a valid OMB
rate used to convert the value of the
than one issuer or counterparty, copy
control number. Books or records
account or asset into U.S. dollars.
the continuation statement provided
relating to a form or its instructions must
after page 2 as many times as needed
be retained as long as their contents
3. If the U.S. Treasury Bureau of the
and complete a separate line 8 for each
may become material in the
Fiscal Service did not provide an
issuer or counterparty. Check the box at
administration of any Internal Revenue
exchange rate, the source of the foreign
the top of page 1 of the form.
law. Generally, tax returns and return
currency exchange rate that you used.
information are confidential, as required
Line 8a. Enter the name of the
You must use the foreign
by section 6103.
issuer or counterparty and check the
currency exchange rate on the
appropriate box to indicate if you are
The time needed to complete and file
last day of the tax year, even if
reporting for an issuer or a counterparty.
this form will vary depending on
you closed the account or sold or
individual circumstances. The estimated
disposed of the asset before the last
Line 8b. Check the appropriate box
burden for business taxpayers filing this
day of the tax year.
to indicate the type of issuer or
form is approved under OMB control
number 1545-0123. The estimated
Lines 7a through 7e. If the account
burden for all other taxpayers who file
Line 8c. Check the box to indicate if
or asset you reported on line 1 is stock
this form is shown below.
the issuer or counterparty is a U.S.
of a foreign entity or an interest in a
person or a foreign person.
foreign entity, complete lines 7a through
Learning about
Lines 8d and 8e. Enter the mailing
the law or the
address of the issuer or counterparty. If
Line 7a. Enter the name of the
57 min.
the issuer or counterparty has a mailing
. . . . . . . . . .
foreign entity.
Preparing the
address in the United States, you can
Line 7b. If you have been furnished
enter the U.S. mailing address.
2 hrs., 52 min.
. . . . . . . . . .
the GIIN associated with the financial
account or asset listed in Line 7a, you
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice We
have the option of entering it here.
ask for the information on this form to
and sending the
carry out the Internal Revenue laws of
form to the IRS
48 min.
Line 7c. Check the box on line 7c to
. .
the United States. Section 6038D
indicate the type of foreign entity.
requires specified individuals and
Lines 7d and 7e. Enter the mailing
specified domestic entities to report
If you have comments concerning the
address of the foreign entity.
specified foreign financial assets in
accuracy of this time estimate or
which they have an interest. Form 8938
Lines 8a through 8e. If the account
suggestions for making this form
is used to comply with this reporting
or asset you reported on line 1 is not
simpler, we would be happy to hear
stock of a foreign entity or an interest in
from you. See the instructions for the tax
a foreign entity, complete lines 8a
return with which this form is filed.
You are not required to provide the
through 8e.
information requested on a form that is
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
Instructions for Form 8938 (2016)


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