Instructions For Form 8938 - 2016 Page 11


account and check the box at the top of
2. The foreign currency exchange
Line 3. Enter the following
page 1 of the form.
rate used to convert the value of the
information about the account or asset,
account into U.S. dollars.
if required.
Lines 1 through 9. Enter the following
3. If the U.S. Treasury Bureau of the
1. If the account was opened or
information for each foreign deposit or
Fiscal Service did not provide an
closed, or the asset was acquired or
custodial account.
exchange rate, the source of the foreign
disposed of during the year, enter the
Line 1. Check the box to indicate if
currency exchange rate that you used.
date of opening and/or closure, or
this is a depository or a custodial
acquisition and/or disposition, as
You must use the foreign
applicable. If the assets were acquired
currency exchange rate on the
or disposed of during different dates in
Line 2. Enter the account number of
last day of the tax year, even if
the year, enter “Various.”
the account or other specific identifying
you closed or disposed of the account
2. If you own the account or asset
information for the account if there is no
before the last day of the tax year.
jointly with your spouse, check the box
account number.
on line 3c.
Line 7a. Enter the name of the
Line 3. Check one or more boxes to
3. If you did not report any income,
financial institution in which the account
indicate if any of the following applies.
is maintained.
gain, loss, deduction, or credit for this
The account was opened during the
account or asset on your tax return or
tax year.
Line 7b. If you have been furnished
any schedule or form attached to your
The account was closed during the
the GIIN associated with the financial
income tax return filed for the tax year,
tax year.
account listed in line 7a, you have the
check the box on line 3d.
The account was jointly owned with
option of entering it here.
your spouse.
Line 4. Check the box for the value
Lines 8 and 9. Enter the mailing
You did not report any tax item in Part
range that represents the maximum
address of the financial institution in
III for this asset.
value of the account or asset during the
which the account is maintained.
tax year. If the maximum value is more
Line 4. Enter the maximum value of
Part VI. Detailed Information for
than $200,000, enter the maximum
the account during the tax year.
value on line 4e.
each "Other Foreign Asset"
Reporting Maximum
Included in Part II Summary
Reporting Maximum
earlier, for information on
earlier, for information on
determining the maximum value
Use Part VI to report information for
determining the maximum value
of the account.
financial accounts (other than foreign
of the account or asset.
deposit and custodial accounts) and
Joint interests. Use the following
other specified foreign financial assets
Joint interests. Use the following
rules to determine the maximum value
not held in a financial account. If you
rules to figure the maximum value to
to report.
have more than one asset, attach a
continuation sheet with the required
Spouses filing a joint return. You
Spouses filing a joint return. You
information for each additional asset
and your spouse report the maximum
and your spouse report the maximum
and check the box at the top of page 1
value of an account held jointly by you
value of an account or asset held jointly
of the form.
and your spouse only once on the single
by you and your spouse only once on
Form 8938 filed with your joint income
Lines 1 through 8. Enter the following
the single Form 8938 filed with your joint
tax return.
information for each financial account
income tax return.
Spouses filing separate returns.
and specified foreign financial asset not
Spouses filing separate returns.
You and your spouse each report the
held in a financial account reported in
You and your spouse each report the
maximum value of an account held
Part II. For examples of specified foreign
maximum value of an account or asset
jointly by you and your spouse on your
financial assets not held in a financial
held jointly by you and your spouse on
separate Forms 8938 filed with your
account, see
Other specified foreign
your separate Forms 8938 filed with
separate income tax returns.
assets, earlier.
your separate income tax returns.
Other joint owners. Report the
Line 1. Enter a description of the
Other joint owners. Report the
maximum value of the entire jointly held
account or asset. If the asset is stock or
maximum value of the entire jointly held
account on your Form 8938 filed with
securities, include the class or issue of
account or asset on your Form 8938
your income tax return, regardless of
the stock or securities.
filed with your income tax return,
the value of your separate interest in the
Example 1. You own 100 shares of
regardless of the value of your separate
XYZ Company, an Italian S.A. A
interest in the account or asset.
Lines 5 and 6. If you used a foreign
sufficient description is “100 Class A
Lines 5 and 6. If you used a foreign
currency exchange rate to convert the
shares of XYZ Company, S.A.”
currency exchange rate to convert the
value of the account into U.S. dollars,
Example 2. You own a bond issued
value of the account or asset into U.S.
check the “Yes” box on line 5 and go to
by AB GmbH, a German GmbH. A
dollars, check the “Yes” box on line 5
line 6. Otherwise, check the “No” box
sufficient description is “Bond of AB
and go to line 6. Otherwise, check the
and go to line 7.
GmbH, maturing on December 31,
“No” box and go to line 7.
Line 6. If you answered “Yes” on
Line 6. If you answered “Yes” to
line 5, enter the following information.
Line 2. Enter the identifying number
line 5, enter the following information.
1. The foreign currency in which the
or other information identifying the
1. The foreign currency in which the
account is maintained.
account or asset.
account or asset is denominated.
Instructions for Form 8938 (2016)


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