Instructions For Form 8938 - 2016 Page 10


Part III. Summary of Tax Items
(partnership) or 3c (corporation), enter
Specific Instructions
the name and TIN of the specified
Attributable to Specified
individual (defined earlier) who closely
Foreign Financial Assets
holds the partnership or corporation. If
Before you begin. If you are a
Enter the following items for your total
you checked box 3d (trust), enter the
specified individual and report all of your
assets reported in Part V or Part VI and
name and TIN of the specified person
specified foreign financial assets on
the schedule, form, or return on which
(defined earlier) who is a current
timely filed Forms 3520, 3520-A, 5471,
you reported the items.
beneficiary of the trust.
8621, or 8865, you do not have to report
them on Form 8938. Instead, enter your
Note. If you are a paper filer and you
name(s) and taxpayer identification
have more than one specified individual
number (TIN) at the top of the form and
or specified person, attach a statement
complete Part IV only. If you are a
listing the name and TIN of each such
Gains or (losses).
specified individual or a specified
specified individual or specified person.
domestic entity and report only a part of
your specified foreign financial assets
If you are a specified individual
on one or more of these forms, report
If you did not report any tax item for a
the remaining assets on Form 8938 and
earlier) for less than the entire
specified foreign financial asset on any
complete Part IV.
tax year, you only have to report the
form or schedule for the tax year, check
information for the part of the year that
the box on line 3d of Part V or Part VI for
Additional sheets. If you have more
you are a specified individual.
the account or asset.
than one account or asset to report in
Part IV. Excepted Specified
Part V or VI, or more than one issuer or
Part I. Foreign Deposit and
counterparty to report in Part VI, use the
Foreign Financial Assets
Custodial Accounts Summary
continuation statement provided after
If you reported a specified foreign
page 2. Copy as many continuation
Use Part I to summarize information
financial asset on certain other forms
statements as you need, and attach the
regarding foreign deposit and custodial
listed below for the same tax year, you
completed statements to Form 8938
accounts reported on all Parts V.
may not have to report it on Form 8938.
following page 2. Check the box at the
Line 1. Report the number of
However, you must identify the form
top of page 1 of the form to indicate that
deposit accounts reported on all Parts
where you reported the asset by
you are attaching continuation
indicating how many forms you filed.
statements, and enter the number of
continuation statements in the space
For more information, see
Line 2. Report the total maximum
reporting, earlier. If you reported a
value of these deposit accounts.
specified foreign financial asset on one
Tax Year
Line 3. Report the number of
or more of the following forms, enter the
custodial accounts reported on all Parts
number of forms filed.
Enter, in the space provided below the
Form 3520.
title of Form 8938, the tax year of the
Form 3520-A.
specified individual or specified
Line 4. Report the total maximum
Form 5471.
domestic entity for whom you are
value of these custodial accounts.
Form 8621.
furnishing information.
Line 5. Indicate whether any foreign
Form 8865.
deposit or custodial accounts were
Identifying Information
Foreign grantor trusts. If you are
closed during the tax year.
treated as an owner of any part of a
Lines 1 and 2. Enter your name(s) and
Part II. Other Foreign Assets
foreign grantor trust, you may have to
taxpayer identification number (TIN) as
file Form 8938 to report specified
shown on the annual return you are
foreign financial assets held by the trust.
filing with Form 8938. If you are a
Use Part II to summarize information
If you are a beneficiary of the foreign
specified individual (see definition,
regarding financial accounts (other than
trust, you may have to file Form 8938 to
earlier), enter the first TIN shown on
foreign deposit and custodial accounts)
report your interest in the trust. You do
your income tax return. A TIN is a social
and other specified foreign financial
not have to report on Form 8938 any
security number (SSN) or individual
assets reported on all Parts VI.
specified foreign financial asset held by
taxpayer identification number (ITIN). In
Line 1. Report the number of
the trust or your interest in the trust if
the case of a specified domestic entity
accounts and assets reported on all
you report the trust on a Form 3520 you
(see definition, earlier), enter the entity’s
Parts VI.
timely file for the tax year and the trust
employer identification number (EIN).
timely files Form 3520-A for the tax
Line 2. Report the total maximum
Line 3. Indicate the type of filer by
value of these accounts and assets.
checking the applicable box on line 3. If
Part V. Detailed Information for
you are a "specified individual" (defined
Line 3. Indicate whether any
each Foreign Deposit and
on page 1), check box 3a. In the case of
account was opened or closed, or any
a "specified domestic entity" (defined on
Custodial Account Included in
asset was acquired or disposed of
page 1), check the applicable box for
during the tax year.
the Part I Summary
partnership (3b), corporation (3c), or
Use Part V to report information for
trust (3d).
foreign deposit and custodial accounts.
Line 4. If you checked box 3a
If you have more than one account,
(specified individual), do not complete
attach a continuation sheet with the
this line 4. If you checked box 3b
required information for each additional
Instructions for Form 8938 (2016)


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