Instructions For Form 8938 - 2016


Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for
Form 8938
Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets
Section references are to the Internal Revenue
that is a current beneficiary of the trust.
Do not send a Form 8938 to the
Code unless otherwise noted.
Specified Individual
IRS unless it is attached to an
beneficiary, later.
General Instructions
annual return or an amended
Global Intermediary Identification
Number (GIIN). On pages 2 and 3 of
Future developments. The IRS has
Who Must File
the form, line 7b of Parts V and VI was
created a page on for
revised to request the reporting of any
information about Form 8938 and its
Unless an exception applies, you must
GIIN associated with the specified
instructions, at
file Form 8938 if you are a specified
foreign financial asset reported on
Information about any future
person (either a specified individual or a
line 7a of Parts V or VI. Reporting the
developments affecting Form 8938
specified domestic entity) that has an
GIIN on Form 8938 is optional.
(such as legislation enacted after we
interest in specified foreign financial
release it) will be posted on that page.
assets and the value of those assets is
Purpose of Form
more than the applicable reporting
Use Form 8938 to report your specified
What's New
foreign financial assets if the total value
Specified domestic entity reporting.
of all the specified foreign financial
If you are required to file Form 8938,
For tax years beginning after December
assets in which you have an interest is
you must report the specified foreign
31, 2015, certain domestic corporations,
more than the appropriate reporting
financial assets in which you have an
partnerships, and trusts that are
threshold. See
interest even if none of the assets
considered formed or availed of for the
affects your tax liability for the year. See
purpose of holding, directly or indirectly,
Specified Domestic
Filing Form 8938 does not
specified foreign financial assets
Entity, and
Thresholds, later.
relieve you of the requirement to
(specified domestic entities) must file
file FinCEN Form 114, Report of
Exception if no income tax
Form 8938 if the total value of those
Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
return required. If you do not
assets exceeds $50,000 on the last day
(FBAR), if you are otherwise required to
have to file an income tax return
of the tax year or $75,000 at any time
file the FBAR. See FinCEN Form 114
for the tax year, you do not have to file
during the tax year.
and its instructions for FBAR filing
Form 8938, even if the value of your
For more information on domestic
requirements. See Comparison of Form
specified foreign financial assets is
corporations, partnerships, and trusts
8938 and FBAR Requirements,
more than the appropriate reporting
that are specified domestic entities and
available at
must file Form 8938, and the types of
specified foreign financial assets that
Requirements, for a chart comparing
must be reported, see
Who Must
Specified Individual
Form 8938 and FBAR filing
Specified Domestic
You are a specified individual if you are
Foreign Financial
Interests in
one of the following.
Specified Foreign Financial
Assets, and
When and How To File
A U.S. citizen.
Assets Not Required To Be
Attach Form 8938 to your annual return
A resident alien of the United States
and file by the due date (including
for any part of the tax year (but see
Identifying Information. The
extensions) for that return.
Period, later).
identifying information section at the top
A nonresident alien who makes an
An annual return includes the
of page 1 of Form 8938 was revised to
election to be treated as a resident alien
following returns.
incorporate the Form 8938 filing
for purposes of filing a joint income tax
Form 1040.
requirement by certain domestic
Form 1040NR.
entities. These revisions include the
A nonresident alien who is a bona
Form 1041.
fide resident of American Samoa or
Form 1041-N.
New line 3, Type of Filer, was added,
Puerto Rico. See Pub. 570, Tax Guide
Form 1065.
with checkboxes identifying the type of
for Individuals With Income From U.S.
Form 1120.
Form 8938 filer.
Possessions, for a definition of bona
Form 1120-S.
New line 4 was added for
fide resident.
partnerships, corporations, and trusts to
A reference to an “annual return” or
Resident aliens. You are a resident
provide the name and TIN of the
“income tax return” in the instructions
alien if you are treated as a resident
specified individual who closely holds
includes a reference to any return listed
alien for U.S. tax purposes under the
the partnership or corporation, or the
here, whether it is an income tax return
green card test or the substantial
specified person (that is, a specified
or an information return.
presence test. For more information,
individual or a specified domestic entity)
see Pub. 519, U.S. Tax Guide for
Nov 15, 2016
Cat. No. 55389W


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