Business Letter Template (Sample) Page 6


One Park Place
Arthur Lofdahl, Owner
Ellen Husset, Manager
June 6, 200-
Reallocation of Lobby Space
On a typical day, more than 3,000 people pass through the lobby of One Park Place, many of them
carrying a cup of hot coffee. We could provide a service to those tenants and their clients by installing
a coffee kiosk in our lobby.
More than 50 percent of Americans over age 18 drink coffee daily. About one-third of the coffee-
drinking public consumes a specialty coffee beverage each day.
The fourth-floor cafeteria serves only regular and decaffeinated coffee and doesn’t have space to brew
flavored coffees or make espresso. Therefore, our tenants and their clients who want something other
than basic coffee must go elsewhere to purchase their beverages.
The nearest specialty coffee shop is four blocks west of One Park Place, which makes it inconvenient
for tenants and guests. In addition, carrying coffee through crowded streets or while toting a briefcase
or package can be messy. Last Tuesday, I observed four coffee spills before 7:30 a.m.
I recommend that we reallocate lobby space to accommodate a freestanding coffee kiosk and seating
for 10–15 customers. Specifically, I recommend we pursue one of the following options (prioritized):
· Offer our cafeteria food management company the opportunity to lease the space to operate a kiosk.
· Solicit lease/operate kiosk bids from independent vendors.
· Install and operate the kiosk ourselves.
After researching the topic, I am confident we can provide this service with little or no remodeling. If
you concur that this service will distinguish our property from others in the area, I’d appreciate the
opportunity to discuss the details and cost comparisons with you. If we act within the next month, we
can have the service available by October 1.
Reference Guide


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