To: ____________________________________
From: _________________________________
Date: __________________________________
Please be advised that on _______________________ (Date) we intend to move from our
residence at _____________________________________________________
We understand that our Rental Agreement calls for _______ days' notice before we move
and that this is _______ days' notice. We understand that we are responsible for paying
rent through the end of the notice period called for in the Rental Agreement or until another
tenant approved by the management has moved in, whichever comes first.
We understand that our deposits will be refunded within _________ days after we have
moved out completely and returned our keys to the management, so long as we leave our
dwelling reasonably clean and undamaged.
Reasons for leaving: ______________________________________________________
Forwarding address:
In accordance with our rental agreement, we agree to allow the management to show our
dwelling to prospective tenants at any and all reasonable times.
Tenant _________________________
Tenant _________________________