Case Of The Crown Jewels Template Page 17


Load 15 µL of the Suspect 2 sample into a well. Keep a record of the well you loaded on
your data sheet.
After all samples have been loaded close the lid of the gel box.
The gel should be run at 100V for approximately 45 minutes. Remember samples should
always “Run to Red” or towards the Red electrode.
P A R T F I V E – G E L S T A I N I N G A N D A N A L Y S I S
Turn the power off and disconnect the cables from the electrophoresis box.
Open the lid of the electrophoresis box and gently lift the casting tray out of the gel box.
Follow your instructor’s guidelines for viewing the results of your gel electrophoresis.
Observe the banding patters on your gel and record the results on your data sheet.
L a b o r a t o r y P r o t o c o l
P a g e 15


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