3 Weeks Old Baby Schedule


3 Weeks Old
(Change diaper after every nap and feeding)
7:00: Wake up for the day, 1st feeding. Awake time
(usually lasts a half hour)
8:30-10:00: Nap
10:00: 2nd feeding. Awake time.
11:30-1:00: Nap
1:00: 3rd feeding. Awake time.
2:30-4:00: Nap
4:00: 4th feeding. Awake time.
5:30-6:00: Nap
6:00: 5th feeding. Awake time. (Baby’s most fussy
time of the day. Feedings are closer together to load
baby up on food to help stay happy and full
throughout the night.)
7:30-8:00: Nap
8:00: Bedtime routine, 6
feeding, then straight to
** Nighttime feedings usually occurring around
11:00pm & 4am then straight back to bed


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