3 Branches Of Government Overview Page 3


3   B ranches   o f   G overnment   O verview  
Once   w ritten   d own,   w hat   w ould   t his   i dea   b e   c alled?   _ __________________  
Create   a   s equencing   c hart   t hat   s how   w ho   w ould   d ecide   i f   t he   i dea   s hould   b ecome   a   l aw:  
What   h appens   i f   t he   b ill   i s   s igned   b y   t he   P resident?   _ __________________  
If   t he   P resident   v etoes   t he   b ill   h ow   c an   i t   s till   b ecome   a   l aw?   _ _____________  
Use   t he   V enn   d iagram   t o   c ompare   a nd   c ontrast   t he   2   h ouses   o f   C ongress.  
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