3 Branches Of Government Overview Page 2


3   B ranches   o f   G overnment   O verview  
How   m any   y ears   i s   a   m ember   o f   t he   H ouse   o f   R epresentatives   e lected   f or?  
How   m any   y ears   i s   a   s enator   e lected   f or?   _ __________________  
How   m any   y ears   i s   t he   p resident   e lected   f or?   _ __________________  
How   m any   y ears   d oes   a   S upreme   C ourt   j udge   s erve?   _ __________________  
Who   a ppoints   t he   j ustices?   _ __________________  
Who   a pproves   t he   j ustices?   _ __________________  
Which   b ranch   d ecides   i f   a   l aw   i s   c onstitutional?   _ __________________  
According   t o   t he   c hart,   h ow   m any   p ositions   a re   i n   t he   e xecutive   b ranch?   _ __  
What   a re   t he   t hree   r esponsibilities   o f   t he   P resident?    
1. ___________________  
2. ___________________  
3. ___________________  
What   h appens   i f   t he   p resident   s hould   d ie   i n   o ffice?   _ ______________________________  
Besides   t he   V ice   P resident,   w ho   a dvises   t he   P resident?   _ __________________  
Who   a ppoints   t he   C abinet   m embers?   _ __________________  
Who   a pproves   t hem?   _ __________________  
If   y ou   h ad   a n   i dea   t hat   y ou   t hought   w ould   m ake   a   g ood   l aw,   w ho   c ould   y ou   c ontact   t o  
initiate,   ( begin)   t he   l aw   m aking   p rocess?   _ __________________  
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