3 Branches Of Government Overview


Name___________________________Date______________Class Period_______ Mrs. Wells/Mrs. Taylor
3   B ranches   o f   G overnment   O verview  
What   a re   t he   t hree   b ranches   o f   g overnment   a s   s tated   b y   t he   C onstitution?  
1. _____________  
2. _____________  
3. _____________
Which   b ranch   c arries   o ut   t he   l aws?   _ __________________  
Which   b ranch   i nterprets   t he   l aws?   _ __________________  
Which   b ranch   m akes   t he   l aws?   _ __________________  
What   a re   t he   4   r esponsibilities   o f   C ongress?  
1. ______________________________________  
2. ______________________________________  
3. ______________________________________  
4. ______________________________________  
How   m any   p arts   i s   C ongress   d ivided   i nto?   _ __________________  
What   a re   t he   n ames   o f   t he   2   h ouses?    
1. ___________________  
2. ___________________  
How   m any   s enators   a re   f rom   V irginia?  
How   m any   s enators   a re   f rom   H awaii?  
Would   t here   b e   m ore   c ongressmen   i n   t he   H ouse   o f   R epresentatives   f rom   C alifornia   o r  
Wyoming?   _ __________________  
Why?   B ecause   _ _______________________________________________  
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