Weight Loss Diary Page 2


Bring your mates along for the ride
Social support means a lot. SureSlim uses a dedicated consultant to help weight loss and promote lifelong
healthy eating. As you start on your weight loss journey, make sure you seek out support, whether in the
form of family, friends, or a support group, so that you can get the encouragement you need. Research
shows that if you commit to a goal publicly, you’re much more likely to achieve it than if you try to go it
alone. And if you’ve got other friends that want to lose weight too - get involved together. Share each
other’s weight loss goals and cheer each other on as you achieve them. Sharing each other’s successes
makes it much easier, more rewarding - and much more fun!
Exercise: Note down the names of five friends or family members who you think could support you or join
you on your weight loss journey.
1. ________________
2. ________________
3. ________________
4. ________________
5. ________________
Believe you can do it, and stick with it
Commit to a plan and stick to it! Experiment until you find a good, long-term plan that helps you lose the
weight and maintain that loss in a way that works for you. If you cut out just 100 calories a day you could
lose 5kgs in a year. (Note: one can of soft drink can contain up to 150 calories!)
A key part of long-term weight loss is knowing that you can achieve it. SureSlim gives you the peace of mind
of a medically approved, scientific weight loss solution.
Exercise: What real steps could you take, beginning right now, that would help you lose weight? Write these
down here:
Know why you’re doing it
Short-term goals, like wanting to fit into a bikini for the summer, usually don’t work as well as goals like
wanting to feel more confident, have more energy, or become healthier for your children’s sakes. Keep a
food journal or weigh yourself regularly. Find and use tools that help keep you motivated. Stay focused:
when frustration and temptation strike - and they will! - concentrate on the many benefits you will reap
from being healthier and leaner.


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