Form 35.1 Affidavit In Support Of Claim For Custody Or Access Page 8

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Form 35.1:
Affidavit in Support of Claim for
(page 8)
Court file number
Custody or Access
You are not a parent of a child unless:
a) you are the biological parent of the child;
b) you are the adoptive parent of the child;
c) a court has declared that you are the child’s parent under the Children’s Law Reform Act; or
d) you are presumed to be a father under section 8 of the Children’s Law Reform Act.
NOTICE: If you are a non-parent claiming custody of a child, court staff will conduct a search of the databases maintained by the
Ontario courts to identify previous or current family court cases in which you or the child(ren) may have been or may be involved
and provide you with a list of those cases. This information will be shared with the court and you must provide a copy to any
other party.
If the list contains information about someone other than you, you may swear or affirm an affidavit indicating that you are not the
same person as the person named in the list.
In addition to the information in Part A, I swear/affirm that the following is true:
12. To the best of my knowledge, the child(ren) in this case has/have been involved in the following custody/ access or
child protection court cases:
(do NOT include cases in which the child was charged under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (Canada))
Child(ren)’s name(s)
Type of Case
Details of Case
FLR-35-1-E (2009/11)
Continued on next sheet


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