Equipment Rental Contract Page 3


RETURN OF RENTAL EQUIPMENT. The Rental Equipment must be returned to the
Company in the following manner:
1) If initially shipped to the Customer – then shipped back to the Company’s shipping
address on the first business day following the Rental Date(s) as described above.
Prepaid return shipping documents will be sent along with the rental equipment with
the return pick up date specified according to the timelines described.
2) If initially picked up by the Customer – then returned in the same manner to the
Company’s shipping address a maximum of one (1) business day following the rental
3) The Rental Equipment being returned to the Company should be packaged IN THE
SAME MANNER AS IT ARRIVED to the Customer. This includes the parts of the
equipment being:
a. completely disassembled (no ropes tied or attached to poles).
b. net rolled up neatly and tied so as to not unroll.
c. boundary lines neatly wound on plastic orange carrier.
d. anchor straps neatly wound on plastic carrier.
e. boundary line pegs, bungees, and post bases placed in inside pocket of bag.
f. ALL items placed inside duffel bag, duffel bag placed in box.
g. if 5 boxes or less – each box taped shut and FedEx return shipping paperwork
attached to outside of each box.
h. if more than 5 boxes – each box taped shut, all boxes properly stacked and
wrapped on a skid and FedEx return shipping paperwork attached to skid.
4) If any or all of the above requirements are not met upon receipt of the returned
equipment, the company reserves the right to bill the customer’s provided credit card
the appropriate amount of funds for the time (at $20 per hour) and/or equipment (if
needed to be replaced) necessary to return the equipment back to its original state as
shipped to the customer. The Company will notify the Customer in advance of any
additional charges pertaining to the conditions noted above.
LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY. Liability for injury, disability, and death of workers and
other persons caused by operating, handling, or transporting the equipment during the term of
this Rental is the obligation of the Customer, and the Customer shall indemnify and hold the
Company harmless from and against all such liability. The Customer shall determine the
necessity of maintaining liability insurance for the use of the rental equipment during the rental
RIGHTS ON DEFAULT. If the Customer is in default under this Rental, without notice to or
demand on the Customer, the Company may take possession of the equipment as provided by
law, deduct the costs of recovery (including attorney fees and legal costs), repair, and related
costs, and hold the Customer responsible for any deficiency.
NOTICE. All notices required or permitted under this Rental shall be deemed delivered when
delivered in person, by electronic mail, or regular postage mail, when addressed to the
appropriate party at the address shown for that party at the beginning of this Rental.


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