Equipment Rental Contract Page 2


RENTAL TERM. This Rental shall begin on the applicable date (either 5 business days in
advance of the Rental Date – if customer is picking up equipment, or 10 days in advance of the
Rental Date – if the equipment is being shipped to the customer) provided the Total Rental Cost
has been received by the Company from the Customer. The Rental shall terminate on date of the
return of the equipment by the Customer to the Company (if the Customer is returning the
equipment personally – this must occur on the first business day following the end of the Rental
Date, if the equipment is being return shipped to the Company – the equipment must be in the
possession of the shipping company (FedEx) on the first business day following the end of the
Rental Date). If full payment of the rental contract is not received in the appropriate number of
business days, as outlined above, prior to the Customer’s Rental Date as described above, the
Company has the right to terminate the contract at that time.
If, due to inclement weather or other factors beyond the Company’s or Customer’s control, the
equipment is unable to be used on the date(s) of the rental agreement, the Company will not be
able to issue a refund of rental costs to the Customer. A refund can only be granted if the
payment has been made prior to, and cancellation of the rental occurs prior to the FIVE (5) or
TEN (10) days (whichever is applicable) in advance of the Rental Date.
ACCEPTANCE OF EQUIPMENT. The Customer shall inspect each item of equipment
delivered pursuant to this Rental. The Customer shall immediately notify the Company of any
discrepancies between such item of equipment and the description of the equipment. If the
Customer fails to provide such notice in writing (via e-mail) within 1 business day after the
delivery of the equipment, the Customer will be conclusively presumed to have accepted the
equipment as specified. Any subsequent claim that the equipment was not provided in fully
functional order will not be considered.
RISK OF LOSS OR DAMAGE. The Customer assumes all risks of loss or damage to the
equipment from any cause (excluding loss or damage incurred by the shipping company) after
the acceptance of equipment date, and agrees to return it to the Company in the condition
received from the Company, with the exception of normal wear and tear. If the equipment is in
need of being repaired or replaced to return it to a fully working state due to loss or damage, the
Customer’s provided credit card will be billed in the appropriate amount (including labour,
material, or parts) to return the rental equipment to its previous functional state. The Company
will determine normal wear and tear. The Company will notify the customer in advance of any
applicable charges pertaining to the above. All determinations made by the Company are final.
FAILURE TO PERFORM. If the equipment fails to perform after the initial acceptance it will
be the responsibility of the Customer to repair and correct the problem. The Company will not be
held responsible for any failure of equipment for any reason and the equipment will remain on
rental unless a dispensation is granted in writing by the Company to waive the rental fees for the
period of non-performance. The Company will not be held responsible for any errors or
omissions due to the Customer’s lack of operational or technical capability.


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