Sample appointment letter
«Title» «FirstName» «Surname»
«Title» «Surname»
I am pleased to inform you that the
governing body
of the
[organisation name]
has agreed to appoint you as a
Designate Lay member
for the period from
[Appointment start date]
[Appointment end date]. Your appointment will
become substantive once the organisation is established.
I do hope that you still feel able to take up this post and help the
with the challenging work that lies ahead.
This letter is your formal notification of appointment and is offered on the
“Codes of Conduct and Accountability
understanding that you subscribe to the
NHS” and accept the
in the
terms and conditions
of your appointment: copies
of both of these documents are enclosed.
This appointment is also offered
subject to confirmation that your conflict of interest will be managed in the
manner. You will be entitled to remuneration of
£0,000 per
Under current legislation, members and non-executives may only serve in one
NHS post at any one time. The appointment is therefore offered on the
understanding that you resign as a member/non-executive of [NHS Trust/
organisation] before taking up this new post. I should be grateful to receive
your confirmation of this in writing.