Impromptu Speech


Impromptu Speech
For this speech, you will choose a topic out of a hat and have two minutes to prepare your
speech. You may use an index card, but it is not required. You must make the one minute time
limit. Remember to follow the format for a speech: introduction, body, and conclusion.
Topics will be FAVORITES. Examples: favorite movie, favorite snack food, favorite place to
• Make the 1 minute time limit.
o If you don’t, you get an automatic F. You have two tries to make time. Second
time is with a new topic.
• Introduction (attention-getter, thesis, and preview of main points)
• Body – You must have three distinct points
• Transitions – You must have transitions between main points
• Conclusion (Summary of Main Points and a clincher that rounds off—it must relate back
to the attention-getter)
• Speech will graded on the above plus eye contact, gestures, and stance and body
movement. Your body should not move unless you are moving position for each new
main point.
Suggest Points
Your three main points can be anything, but you can follow the following format.
1. Description of the favorite item or place
2. Information on why it is your favorite
3. A personal story about the item
There are other possible main points.
• History of the item
• The time you began using the item
You have only 2 minutes to prepare for this speech, so you might want to have an idea of how
you would organize before you get your topic. Do not waste your time writing too much on your
index card. If you write your three main points, that will help you with your P.O.M.P, your
body, and your S.O.M.P. You probably shouldn’t write an attention-getter; you should be able to
just say it.


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