Limited Liability Company Agreement Operating Agreement For An Alabama Llc Page 5

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TERM   OF   OFFICE/ELECTION.   The   Members   shall   elect   the  
officers   of   the   LLC   annually   by   a   majority   vote.   Vacancies  
may   be   filled   or   new   offices   created   and   filled   at   any  
meeting  of  the  Members.    All  officers  shall  hold  their  office  
positions   unless   until   their   death,   removal   of   office,   or  
resignation.  Election  or  appointment  of  an  officer  or  agent  
shall   n ot   o f   i tself   c reate   a   c ontract   r ight.  
REMOVAL.  The  Members  may  decide  to  remove  any  officer  or  
agent   b y   a   m ajority   v ote   w henever   t hey   d ecide   t hat   t he   b est  
interest   of   the   company   would   be   served   thereby.   If   a  
officer  or  agent  is  removed,  it  shall  be  without  prejudice  to  
the   c ontract   r ights.  
PRESIDENT.   The   President   shall   be   the   chief   executive   officer  
of   the   LLC   and   shall   be   present   at   all   meetings   of   the  
Members.   The   president   shall   have   all   powers   to   perform  
such   d uties   t hat   a re   o utlined   i n   t his   A greement.  
THE   TREASURER.   The   Treasurer   shall   be   the   chief   financial  
officer   o f   t he   L LC.   T he   T reasurer   i s   r esponsible   f or   a ll   f unds  
and   s ecurities   o f   t he   L LC.   T he   T reasurer   s hall   p reside   a t   t he  
meeting  of  the  Members  when  the  President  is  absent.  The  
treasurer   must   receive   and   give   receipts   for   moneys   due  
and   p ayable   t o   t he   L LC   f rom   a ny   m oney   s ource   w hatsoever,  
and  deposit  all  such  moneys  in  the  name  of  the  LLC  in  any  
such   money   institution,   which   shall   be   selected   by   the  
Members   o f   t he   L LC.     T he   T reasurer   s hall   p erform   a ll   o ther  
duties   t hat   m ay   b e   a ssigned   t o   t he   o ffice   o f   t reasurer   b y   t he  
President   o r   b y   t he   M embers   o f   t he   L LC.    
SECRETARY.   The   Secretary   shall   keep   a   time   log   of   the  
Members   meetings   in   a   file   provided   for   that   purpose   and  
also   see   that   all   notices   are   duly   given   in   accordance   with  
the   p rovisions   o f   t his   A greement   o r   a s   r equired   b y   l aw.   T he  
Secretary  shall  have  custody  of  the  LLC  records,  addresses  
of   M embers,   M ember’s   r esolutions,   a nd   o ther   d ocuments   t o  
the  LLC  as  true  and  correct.  The  Secretary  shall  preside  at  
the   meetings   of   the   Members   in   the   absence   of   the  
President   and   Treasurer   and   also   perform   all   other   duties  
that   may   be   assigned   to   the   office   of   secretary   by   the  
President   o r   b y   t he   M embers   o f   t he   L LC.  
VACANCIES.   A   vacancy   is   any   office   because   of   death,  
resignation,   r emoval,   a nd   d isqualification   o r   o therwise   m ay  
be   filled   by   the   Members   for   the   unexpired   portion   of   the  
XIII.   MEMBER   ONLY   POWERS.   Notwithstanding   any   other   provision   of  
this   Agreement,   only   a   majority   of   the   Members   may:   (a)   sell   or  
encumber   (but   not   lease)   any   real   estate   owned   by   the   LLC,   or   (b)  


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