Chapter Comparing Information On A Chart History Worksheet


Comparing Information on a Chart
C h a p t e r _ 7 _ / _
Using information from your reading, complete the chart below. Then, on another sheet of
paper, answer the questions at the bottom of the page.
Indian and U.S. Government Treaties
H e l l G at e t r e at y (1 85 5 )
la m e B u l l’ s t re at y (1 8 5 5 )
F o rt l a r a m i e t re at y (18 6 8 )
Tribal nations
What the U.S.
thought it had
agreed to
What the tribes
thought they
had agreed to
(1) What tribes were involved in more than one treaty?
(2) What were the reasons the U.S. government wanted more land from the Indians?
(3) In what ways did the U.S. government compensate Indians for their land?
(4) What were some of the causes of misunderstanding between the tribes and the
U.S. government?
_ \ _ M o N t a N a : _ S t o r i e S _ o f _ t h e _ l a N d


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