Form Cv-406 - Temporary Restraining Order And Notice Of Injunction Hearing (Tro-Harassment) Page 4


Temporary Restraining Order and Notice of Injunction Hearing (TRO-Harassment)
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Case No.
8. The respondent allow the petitioner or a family member or household member of the petitioner acting on his/her
behalf to retrieve a household pet.
Tus neeg raug foob pub rau tus neeg ua ntawv foob los yog ib tus neeg hauv tsev neeg ntawm tus neeg ua ntawv
foob los mus ua hauj lwm sawv nws cev mus coj tus aub los rau nws.
9. The respondent avoid contacting the petitioner or causing any person other than a party's attorney or law
enforcement officer to contact the petitioner unless the petitioner consents in writing.
Tus neeg raug foob yuav tsum zam tsis txhob mus cuag tus neeg ua daim ntawv foob los sis kom lwm tus neeg tsis
hais leej twg uas tsis yog tus kws lij choj los yog tub ceev xwm mus cuag tus neeg ua daim ntawv foob tshwj tias
ntshe ho yog tus neeg ua daim ntawv foob sau ntawv tso cai no xwb.
10. The sheriff to accompany the petitioner and assist in placing the petitioner in physical possession of his/her
residence, if requested.
Kom tub ceev xwm mus nrog coj tus neeg ua daim ntawv foob no thiab pab kom mus txog vaj txog tsev, yog thov
11. Other:
[May not be inconsistent with remedies requested in the petition.]
Lwm yam:
Yuav tau tsis txhob txawv cov lus teev hauv daim ntawv foob
(Harassment is defined as: (a) Striking, shoving, kicking or otherwise subjecting the person to physical contact; or (b)
Engages in an act that would constitute child abuse under §48.02(1); or (c) Sexual assault under §940.225; or (d)
Stalking under §940.32; or attempts or threatens to do same; or (e) Engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly
commits acts which harass or intimidate the person and which serve no legitimate purpose.)
(Kev thab ua phem muab txhais hais tias: (a) Ntaus, thawb, ncaws los sis ua rau tus neeg muaj kev raug rau lub cev; los sis (b) Ua
tej yam txhais tau hais tias yog tsim txom me nyuam raws li tsab cai §48.02(1); los sis (c) Ua dev ua npua quab yuam raws li
tsab cai §940.225; los sis (d) Tuaj nyas xauj raws li tsab cai §940.32; los sis sim los sis tso hem thawj tias yuav ua li ntawd; los
sis (e)Ua cov yeeb yam los sis pheej ua cov yeeb yam qub los thab ua phem los sis ua kom tus neeg ntshai yam tsis muaj lub hom
phiaj tsim nyog ua li.)
FAILURE TO APPEAR could result in an injunction being issued directing you to
YOG HAIS TIAS TSIS TUAJ TSHWM RAWS LI TAU TEEM CAIJ kuj yuav ua rau cia li muab ib qhov kev txwv kom koj los mus
 cease or avoid the harassment of the petitioner;
tseg los yog zam tsis thab ua phem rau tus neeg ua ntawv foob;
 avoid the petitioner’s residence and/or any premises temporarily occupied by the petitioner;
zam tsis txhob mus ze tus neeg ua daim ntawv foob qhov chaw nyob thiab/los sis ib qho chaw so twg uas tus neeg ua
ntawv foob nyob mus ib ntus;
 avoid contact that harasses or intimidates the petitioner. Contact includes: contact at petitioner’s home, work, school, public
places, in person, by phone, in writing, by electronic communication or device, or in any other manner; AND
zam tsis txhob mus cuag tus neeg ua ntawv foob uas yog mus thab ua phem los yog ua kom ntshai. Kev sib cuag muaj
xws li: mus cuag tus neeg ua ntawv foob ntawm nws tsev, chaw ua hauj lwm, chaw kawm ntawv, cov chaw uas pej xeem neeg nyob,
tim ntsej tim muag, hauv xov tooj, sau ntawv, siv khoom fais fab xa ntawv, los sis lwm txoj kev siv kom mus cuag tau; THIAB
 follow any other orders made by this court.
ua raws nraim li lwm cov ntawv xaaj ua los ntawm lub tsev hais plaub no.
VIOLATION OF AN INJUNCTION if issued at this hearing shall result in your arrest and may result in the imposition of criminal
penalties regardless of whether you have been served a copy of the injunction. Service of a copy of this notice of injunction
hearing and the petition for the temporary restraining order and/or injunction is constructive knowledge of the existence of
the injunction.
KEV UA TXHAUM DAIM NTAWV TXWV yog tias muab rau ntawm lub rooj sib hais no yuav ua rau koj raug ntes thiab raug
tsub nplua txim loj txawm hais tias tau xa ib daim luam ntawm daim ntawv txwv tuaj rau koj. Kev xa ib daim luam ntawm
daim ntawv ceeb toom ntawm lub rooj sib hais muab qhov kev txwv no thiab daim ntawv foob kom muaj kev tiv thaiv mus
ib ntus thiab/los yog muaj kev txwv yog paub zoo txog qhov muaj qhov kev txwv no.
CV-406, 05/16 Temporary Restraining Order and Notice of Injunction Hearing (TRO-Harassment)
Hmong 07/16
§813.125, Wisconsin Statutes
This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material.
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