Rocks The Reference Tables Page 3


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Rocks and the Reference Tables
Use the rock identification charts on pages 6-7 of the Earth Science Reference Tables to
answer the following questions
Scheme for Sedimentary Rock Identification
15. Name the three major groups of sedimentary rocks (refer to their textures).
16. Describe the differences in how these groups of rocks formed.
17. Explain the term clastic. ______________________________________
18. What is the particle size range for sand? _________________________
19. What mineral is Rock Salt made of? ____________________________
20. Which two rocks are composed of the remains of living things?
21. Compare the mineral composition of clastic rocks with crystalline or
bioclastic rocks?_____________________________________________
22. Explain a difference between conglomerate and breccia? ______________
23. Explain how the grain size of clastic rocks indicates the water velocity or the energy
of the depositional environment?


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