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1. Client’s name:
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
2. Date of Birth: ____/___/___
3. SSN: ____-____-_____
4. Date authorization initiated: ___/___/___
5. Authorization initiated by:
Name (client or provider)
(If provider, please specify relationship to client)
6. Information to be Used or Disclosed:
My dental information relating to the following treatment or condition:
Most recent ___ years of record
My dental records for the following date(s):
Entire dental record
Exclude: My health information related to drug and/or alcohol abuse
Exclude: My health information related to HIV/AIDS
Other information to be used or disclose (describe information in detail):
7. Purpose of Use or Disclosure:
Treatment, Payment or Health Care Operations
Disclosure to Life Insurer for Coverage Purposes
Disclosure to Employer of results of pre-employment physical or lab tests
Marketing Purposes
To the Following Family Members:
Other (describe each purpose of the requested use and disclosure in detail):
8. Person(s) Authorized to Make the Disclosure:
9. Person(s) Authorized to Receive the Disclosure:
10. This Authorization will:
not expire,
expire on ___/___/___ or
upon the happening of the following event:
Authorization and Signature: I authorize the release of my confidential protected dental information, as described in my
directions above. I understand that this authorization is voluntary, that the information to be disclosed is protected by law,
and the use/disclosure is to be made to conform to my directions. The information that is used and/or disclosed pursuant to
this authorization may be redisclosed by the recipient unless the recipient is covered by state laws that limit the use and/or
disclosure of my confidential protected dental information.
Signature of the Client:
Signature of Personal Representative:
Relationship to Client if Personal Representative:
Date of signature: ___/___/___