Connecticut Standard Residential Lease Agreement Page 6

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any necessary repairs are needed it is the tenant’s responsibility to inform the
landlord as soon as possible of any defect(s).
XV. Disclosure Addendums. Tenant agrees to reading the following documents
through initialing below:
____ - State Disclosures described as _________________________________
____ - Lead Paint Disclosure Statement - For all structures built before 1978.
____ - Move-In Checklist
____ - Other described as ___________________________________________
A. Other Addendums that are described as ________________________
XVI. Disclaimer. If any part, sentence, or section of the lease agreement is
considered invalid it does not affect the parties from being legally liable for the
remaining terms and conditions.
XVII. Tenancy. If the tenant misrepresented any claim in the lease agreement or
in the process of authorizing, i.e. the “Rental Application”, the tenant may be
found in violation and be subject to default.
XVIII. Time. Is of the essence.
XIX. Other Agreements. This legal document represents the entire terms and
conditions by which each party must abide. Any other agreements or deals made
on behalf of the landlord any tenant should be attached or will not be considered
legally enforceable.
XX. Signatures. In the witness whereof, the landlord and tenant agree to the
terms and conditions to the executed lease agreement dated
_______ / ________ / ________ (Day/Month/Year)


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