Connecticut Standard Residential Lease Agreement Page 2

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End Date _______ / ________ / ________
IV. The Property. The Lease Agreement refers to the property located at:
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City of ________________________________________ State _____________
With the following Furnishings __________________________
With the following Common Areas _______________________
With the following Storage Space ________________________
With the following Restrictions __________________________
V. Rental Payments. The landlord and tenant agree to the following monthly
payment arrangement for the use of the property:
Payment Start Date __________________
Payment End Date ___________________
Monthly _______________________________ Dollars $______________.____
Total Period ____________________________ Dollars $______________.____
Payable to _______________________________________________________
Due on the __________ day of every month
Payments shall be made in
Other __________________
Payment Instructions _______________________________________________
A. Prorated Rent. If the landlord and tenant agree for the Property being
occupied before the lease period starts, the tenant shall make the following
______________________________ Dollars $________________._____
for ____ days
B. Late Rent. If the rental payment is late the tenant shall be subject to
one of the following penalties:


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