Connecticut Standard Residential Lease Agreement

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Connecticut Standard Residential Lease Agreement
(In Accordance with Title 47A, Chapter 830)
I. Lease Agreement. This form serves as a legally binding rental contract agreed
under the following terms and conditions:
II. The Parties. The Lease Agreement is between the following:
Landlord ________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City of ________________________________________ State _____________
Tenant _________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City of ________________________________________ State _____________
Tenant _________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City of ________________________________________ State _____________
Tenant _________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City of ________________________________________ State _____________
Minor children to be living on the premises (if any):
Name ___________________________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________________________
III. Lease Period. This form serves as a legal and binding lease agreement
(Referred to as the “Rental Agreement”) for a period of _____________ months.
Start Date _______ / ________ / ________


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