Ultimate Cruise Packing List Page 8


cruise documents). Frankly, we'd recommend leaving your very expensive and/or priceless jewelry
at home, or in your bank's safe deposit box.
• If you're planning to buy t-shirts, hats, etc. on the ship or ports of call, why not wear them on your
cruise? You'll cut down on the amount of clothing you'll bring, and you won’t need to plan for extra
space on your trip home. If you under-packed (unlikely), you can purchase additional clothing
during the cruise.
• In the tropics, use light cotton clothing as often as possible. You'll be cooler and more comfortable.
Plan your carry-on load carefully. A larger carry-on bag is useful so that you can comfortably carry
a change of clothing. Keep your carry-on bag safe and never leave it unattended.
• Carry all documents, medicines, essentials, and valuables with you in your carry-on. If your main
article of luggage is lost or misplaced, can you exist with what you're carrying?
• Do not plan to find space for a garment bag. Better to carefully pack your clothing in a suitcase
than to jam it into an overhead compartment.
• Instead of bringing full-size toiletries, like a full bottle of shampoo, save or purchase smaller plastic
bottles and bring only what you need. Try sealing plastic bottles in zip-lock bags for added
• Zip-lock baggies, preferably the thicker freezer-type, are great for keeping things dry, especially
when you go to the beach. You can stuff your credit cards, driver’s licenses, cash, etc. in them and
keep them safe inside your bathing suit. We recommend double-bagging them and you won’t have
any problems with leakage.
• There are several reasons to bring your cell telephone with you on the cruise: 1) If you run into
delays, you can call parents and relatives without standing in line for a telephone; 2) You can use
your telephone on the ship before it departs, and while it is still close to land; 3) You can make
calls on the day you return; 4) Many ports have cellular service so that you can make calls directly
without finding a phone booth. Cellular rates are usually much less than the ship's satellite rates.
Some common cruising areas have surprisingly good coverage, and if you have free roaming as a
part of your service, the call might even be free; 5) You never know how a cell phone will help you
in transit should an emergency arise. It gives someone else the ability to call you, which is
sometimes invaluable.


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