Ultimate Cruise Packing List Page 7


> Bring your travel and health insurance information and have it handy at all times.
> Verify that your identification and travel tickets are in your carry-on bag and will be available at all times.
More Packing Tips For Cruises
• Never pack anything in your luggage you couldn't stand losing forever.
• Tape your name, address, phone and cell numbers inside your luggage.
• Always carry your cruise documents on you and not in your luggage or carry-on bag.
• Stuff a small collapsible light weight bag or two into your suitcase. At the end of your cruise, use
the bag for your laundry or those souvenirs' you bought.
• Before your go, take a picture of your luggage inside and out. This will make them easier to
identify your belongings if they are lost.
• Although you can purchase many items on ship or in cruise ports, you will often pay a heavy
premium, and may not find exactly what you need. For example, film for your camera will cost
significantly more once you leave home and you may not find the size or speed you require.
• Try to pack clothing that is re-usable on the cruise. For example, a men's blazer may be used on a
formal night if packaged with the proper shirt & tie. The same blazer can be used with an open-
neck shirt or a less-formal shirt and tie for an informal night. A formal skirt can be mixed with
different blouses and/or jackets for varying effects.
• Formal nights are not necessarily extremely formal. Some passengers, who enjoy dressing up, will
go all out with tuxedo's, long gowns, etc. Many women wear cocktail dresses, fancy dresses, or
suits. It’s like getting dressed for a nice wedding. Young boys can wear nice slacks with a shirt and
a tie.
• Many ships have self-serve laundry and ironing facilities in addition to the available washing and/or
dry cleaning. Sometimes it makes sense to do a load or two during the cruise rather than pack
enough of everything for your entire trip.
• If you choose to travel with expensive jewelry, use the purser's safe when you're not wearing it.
Although room safes are available on many ships, only valuables locked up in the purser's safe
are covered under the ship's insurance (check you cruise contract, usually supplied with your


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