Ultimate Cruise Packing List Page 2


3 copies cruise tickets, passports/visas, itinerary - pack 1 copy in carry on, 1 copy in
checked luggage, and leave one copy with someone at home
Contact numbers to report lost/stolen credit cards
Emergency numbers at home
Prescription drugs and any other essential medications in carry on bag
Glasses, contacts, contacts cleaner
Extra reading glasses
Reading sunglasses
Foreign language phrase book or dictionary
Reading material - books to read while lounging by the pool
Journal or notebook and pen/pencil - for making notes to tell your friends back home about
your experiences
Cell phone and charger
Home and email addresses of friends/relatives back home - for sending postcards, emails,
or gifts
Disposable underwater camera - for snorkeling or beach days
Digital camera
Extra memory cards for digital camera
Batteries for digital camera
Battery charger
Extension cord with multiple plug-ins
iPod/mp3 player
Small travel alarm clock - battery operated
Extra plastic cable-lock ties for securing luggage for return trip (better than locks, but one-
time use only)
Extra luggage name tags (in case yours are lost on the outbound trip)
Zip loc bags of all sizes and garbage/laundry bags
Small flashlight
Night light
Small umbrella


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