Sample Rejection Letter Template Following Receipt Of Application Page 8


Offer of Employment Letter No. 1
Dear ……………………………….
With reference to your recent interview, I am pleased to offer you the position of
……………………………………….. at a weekly/hourly rate of ……………………,
which includes a premium for Sunday work. This offer is subject to receipt of
satisfactory references.
We would like you to commence with us on …………………… at ………………….
and on that day please report to/ask for ………………………………………………
Enclosed for your information is a copy of your Terms and conditions of
Employment. Please return the enclosed copy letter duly signed as confirmation of
your acceptance of this position and the Terms and conditions of employment.
May I take this opportunity of welcoming you to the organisation and wishing you
every success in your career with us.
Yours Sincerely


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