Sample Rejection Letter Template Following Receipt Of Application Page 4


Holding Letter
(applicant failed the interview but you want to keep their details on file)
Dear ____________________
Re: _______________________________________________
I refer to your recent interview of the above position and regret to inform you that, on
this occasion, you were not successful with your application.
It was, however, an extremely difficult decision to make as the calibre of interviewees
was very high and as a result I would, with your permission, like to retain your
application on file. In the event that a suitable vacancy occurs in the future I will
contact you again to establish if you are still available and would be interested in
knowing further details.
In the meantime, may I take this opportunity to thank you for the interest you have
shown in the Company and wish you every success in finding a suitable position.
Yours Sincerely
Invitation to Attend Interview
(No proof of qualifications required)
Dear __________________________


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