Sample Rejection Letter Template Following Receipt Of Application Page 11


Full Time / Part Time Contract of Employment
(delete as appropriate)
Terms and Conditions of Employment are as follows:
Date of Commencement:
€ ……..gross per annum/month/week/hour, paid direct
into your bank account on the ……… day of each
month/week. This includes a premium for Sunday work.
Job Title:
Reporting to:
Hours of Work:
(State daily hours & days of week)
……………………………………. (if appropriate)
Sickness Pay:
(State here the basic details of your Company Sick
scheme. If not applicable mention JLC scheme)
(State here how many days per annum you will give and
when the holiday year starts and finishes)
(If you have a pension scheme state joining details here.
If not, you must put here that the Company does not
operate a scheme)
Notice Period Employer
Notice Period Employee
Lay-Off and/or Short Time
- The employer reserves the right to lay you off from work or reduce your
working hours, where through circumstances beyond its control it is unable to
maintain you in employment.
- You will receive as much notice as reasonably possible prior to such lay- off or
- You will not be paid during the lay- off period.
- You will be paid only in respect of hours actually worked


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