Template Letter To Parents - High School Blood Drive Program


Dear <<Name >>:
I am writing to let you know about some very good news. <<Name of School>> has
been selected by the American Red Cross to participate in their high school blood drive
Our school has the opportunity to participate in a scholarship program for students by
participating in the blood drive program.
In response to the increasing need for blood in our community, I am asking for your
support and participation in our upcoming blood drive. Besides encouraging your son or
daughter to donate blood at our upcoming school blood drive on <<Day>>, <<Date>>,
we are inviting you to donate blood as well.
The top priority of the American Red Cross is to provide the safest possible blood supply
for patients in need. There are seven layers of safety that help protect the blood supply,
which include self-deferrals, completion of the blood donation record, health history
screening, confidential unit exclusion, testing, and post donation information. These
multiple layers of safety demonstrate the robust systems in place.
All donation supplies are used only once and then discarded.
By donating blood you and your child will not only make a difference in the lives of
hospital patients in our area and across the nation, but you will also help set a very
positive example. You can make a difference!
Even if you cannot donate blood yourself, you can still help by encouraging your student
to donate. To be eligible to donate, you must be healthy, at least 17 years old*, weigh at
least 110 pounds and not have given blood in the past 56 days. High school students
and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and
weight requirements. It must be 112 days from the date of your last double red cell
*16 with signed Red Cross parental/guardian consent form where state permits.
I think you will agree that this is a wonderful opportunity for our school to teach our
students about the life-saving mission of the American Red Cross, and I ask for your full
You can set an appointment today to donate blood by contacting <<Sponsor Contact>>
at <<Phone Number>>. Thank you in advance for your support.


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