Instructions For Form 2106 - 2016 Page 7


open area but is enclosed by a cap
Worksheet for the Special
method of depreciation for the
and isn't readily accessible directly
Depreciation Allowance
vehicle's estimated useful life.
from the passenger compartment, or
(keep for your records)
Otherwise, use the following
That has an integral enclosure, fully
Depreciation Method and Percentage
enclosing the driver compartment and
1. Enter the total amount from
Chart to find the depreciation method
Form 2106, line 30
load carrying device, doesn't have
and percentage to enter on line 33.
. . . .
seating rearward of the driver's seat,
To use the chart, first find the date
2. Multiply line 1 by the
and has no body section protruding
percentage on Form 2106,
you placed the vehicle in service
more than 30 inches ahead of the
line 14, and enter the
(line 11). Then, select the
leading edge of the windshield.
depreciation method and percentage
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
from column (a), (b), or (c). For
Special depreciation allowance.
3. Enter any section 179
example, if you placed a car in service
The special depreciation allowance
. . . . . . . . . .
on July 1, 2016, and you use the
applies only for the first year a new
4. Subtract line 3 from
method in column (a), enter “200 DB
vehicle is placed in service. To qualify
line 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
20%” on line 33.
for the special depreciation
5. Multiply the applicable limit
allowance, the new vehicle must be
For vehicles placed in service
explained in the line 36
qualified property (see Pub. 463,
before 2016, use the same method
instructions by the
chapter 4, for more information). The
you used on last year's return unless a
percentage on Form 2106,
special allowance is an additional first
decline in your business use requires
line 14, and enter the
year depreciation deduction of 50%.
a change to the straight line method.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Your total section 179 deduction,
For vehicles placed in service during
6. Subtract line 3 from
special depreciation allowance, and
2016, select the depreciation method
line 5
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
regular depreciation deduction can't
and percentage after reading the
be more than $11,160 for cars and
explanation for each column.
7. Enter the smaller of line 4
$11,560 for trucks and vans,
or line 6. Add the result to
Column (a)—200% declining
any section 179 deduction
multiplied by your business use
balance method. You can use
(line 3 above) and enter the
percentage on line 14. See the line 36
column (a) only if the business use
total on Form 2106,
instructions for depreciation limits.
percentage on line 14 is more than
line 31
. . . . . . . . . . . .
You can't recover the amount by
50%. Of the three depreciation
which your depreciation deduction
methods, the 200% declining balance
exceeds the depreciation limits for the
Election out. You can elect not to
method may give you the largest
year placed in service until after the
claim the special depreciation
depreciation deduction for the first 3
end of the recovery period for your
allowance for your vehicle. If you
years (after considering the
make this election, it applies to all
depreciation limit for your vehicle).
property in the same class placed in
Use the following worksheet to
See the depreciation limit tables, later.
service during the year.
figure the amount of the special
Column (b)—150% declining
depreciation allowance.
To make the election, attach a
balance method. You can use
statement to your timely filed return
column (b) only if the business use
(including extensions) indicating that
percentage on line 14 is more than
you are electing not to claim the
50%. The 150% declining balance
special depreciation allowance and
method may give you a smaller
the class of property for which you are
depreciation deduction than in column
making the election.
(a) for the first 3 years. However, you
won't have a “depreciation
More information. See Pub. 463,
adjustment” on this vehicle for the
chapter 4, for more information on the
alternative minimum tax. This may
special depreciation allowance.
result in a smaller tax liability if you
Line 32. To figure the basis for
must file Form 6251, Alternative
depreciation, multiply line 30 by the
Minimum Tax—Individuals.
percentage on line 14. From that
result, subtract the total amount of any
Column (c)—straight line
section 179 deduction and special
method. You must use column (c) if
depreciation allowance claimed this
the business use percentage on
year (see line 31) or any section 179
line 14 is 50% or less. The method for
deduction and special depreciation
these vehicles is the straight line
allowance claimed in any previous
method over 5 years. The use of this
year for this vehicle.
column is optional for these vehicles if
the business use percentage on
Line 33. If you used the standard
line 14 is more than 50%.
mileage rate in the first year the
vehicle was placed in service and now
Note. If your vehicle was used more
elect to use the actual expense
than 50% for business in the year it
method, you must use the straight line
Instructions for Form 2106 (2016)


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