Instructions For Form 2106 - 2016 Page 6


W-2, enter this amount on line 25. If
it was placed in service, reduced by
than the income from your job and any
less than 100% of the annual lease
the depreciation allowance for the
other active trade or business on your
value was included in box 1 of your
remaining basis of the old vehicle.
Form 1040.
Form W-2, skip line 25.
You must use Form 4562 to compute
If you are claiming a section
your depreciation deduction. You
Line 28. If you completed Section D,
179 deduction on other
can't use Form 2106, Part II,
enter the amount from line 38. If you
property, or you placed more
Section D.
used Form 4562 to figure your
than $2,000,000 of section 179
depreciation deduction, enter the total
property in service during the year,
If you elect to use the method
of the following amounts.
use Form 4562 to figure your section
described in (1), you must do so on a
Depreciation allocable to your
179 deduction. Enter the amount of
timely filed tax return (including
vehicle(s) (from Form 4562, line 28).
the section 179 deduction allocable to
extensions). Otherwise, you must use
Any section 179 deduction
your vehicle from Form 4562, line 12,
the method described in (2).
allocable to your vehicle(s) (from
on Form 2106, line 31.
Line 30. Enter the vehicle's actual
Form 4562, line 29).
cost or other basis. Don't reduce your
Note. For section 179 purposes,
Section D—Depreciation of
basis by any prior year's depreciation.
the cost of the new vehicle doesn't
However, you must reduce your basis
include the adjusted basis of the
by any deductible casualty loss,
Depreciation is an amount you can
vehicle you traded in.
deduction for clean-fuel vehicle, gas
deduct to recover the cost or other
guzzler tax, alternative motor vehicle
basis of your vehicle over a certain
credit, or qualified plug-in electric
number of years. In some cases, you
Cost including taxes
vehicle credit you claimed. Increase
. . . .
can elect to claim a special
your basis by any sales tax paid
Adjusted basis of
depreciation allowance or to expense,
(unless you deducted sales taxes in
− 3,000
under section 179, part of the cost of
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
the year you purchased your vehicle)
your vehicle in the year of purchase.
Section 179 basis
. . . . . .
and any substantial improvements to
For details, see Pub. 463.
your vehicle.
Limit on depreciation and
Vehicle trade-in. If you traded in
section 179 deduction
. . .
If you traded in your vehicle, your
one vehicle (the “old vehicle”) for
basis is the adjusted basis of the old
Smaller of:
another vehicle (the “new vehicle”) in
vehicle (reduced by depreciation
2016, there are two ways you can
Section 179 basis, or limit on
figured as if 100% of the vehicle's use
treat the transaction.
had been for business purposes) plus
. . . . . . . . .
1. You can elect to treat the
any additional amount you pay for the
Percentage on line 14
× .75
. . .
transaction as a tax-free disposition of
new vehicle. See Pub. 463 for more
Section 179 deduction
the old vehicle and the purchase of
. . .
the new vehicle. If you make this
If you converted the vehicle from
*$3,160 if electing out of special
election, you treat the old vehicle as
personal use to business use, your
depreciation allowance or not qualified
disposed of at the time of the trade-in.
basis for depreciation is the smaller of
The depreciable basis of the new
the vehicle's adjusted basis or its fair
vehicle is the adjusted basis of the old
market value on the date of
vehicle (figured as if 100% of the
Limit for sport utility and certain
vehicle's use had been for business
other vehicles. For sport utility and
Line 31. Enter the amount of any
purposes) plus any additional amount
certain other vehicles placed in
section 179 deduction and, if
you paid for the new vehicle. You then
service in 2016, the portion of the
applicable, any special depreciation
figure your depreciation deduction for
vehicle's cost taken into account in
allowance claimed for this year.
the new vehicle beginning with the
figuring your section 179 deduction is
date you placed it in service. You
Section 179 deduction. If 2016 is
limited to $25,000. This rule applies to
make this election by completing
the first year your vehicle was placed
any 4-wheeled vehicle primarily
Form 2106, Part II, Section D.
in service and the percentage on
designed or used to carry passengers
2. If you don't make the election
line 14 is more than 50%, you can
over public streets, roads, or
described in (1), you must figure
elect to deduct as an expense a
highways that isn't subject to any of
depreciation separately for the
portion of the cost (subject to a yearly
the passenger automobile limits
remaining basis of the old vehicle and
limit). To calculate this section 179
explained in the
line 36
for any additional amount you paid for
deduction, multiply the part of the cost
and is rated at no more than 14,000
the new vehicle. You must apply two
of the vehicle that you choose to
pounds gross vehicle weight.
depreciation limits. The limit that
expense by the percentage on line 14.
However, the $25,000 limit doesn't
applies to the remaining basis of the
The total of your depreciation and
apply to any vehicle:
old vehicle generally is the amount
section 179 deduction generally can't
Designed to have a seating
that would have been allowed had you
be more than the percentage on
capacity of more than nine persons
not traded the old vehicle. The limit
line 14 multiplied by the applicable
behind the driver's seat,
that applies to the additional amount
limit explained in the
line 36
Equipped with a cargo area of at
you paid for the new vehicle generally
instructions. Your section 179
least 6 feet in interior length that is an
is the limit that applies for the tax year
deduction for the year can't be more
open area or is designed for use as an
Instructions for Form 2106 (2016)


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