Instructions For Form 2106 - 2016 Page 3


Don't include expenses for meals
December 31, 2016, you must
verified the time, place, and business
and entertainment, taxes, or interest
consistently use either the rates for
purpose of the travel for that day.
on line 4. Deductible taxes are
the first 9 months of 2016 or the
Your employer reimbursed you for
entered on Schedule A (Form 1040),
updated rates.
vehicle expenses at the standard
Itemized Deductions, lines 5 through
mileage rate or according to a flat rate
For locations outside the
9; or Schedule A (Form 1040NR),
or stated schedule, and you verified
continental United States, the
line 1. Employees can't deduct car
the date of each trip, mileage, and
applicable rates are published each
loan interest.
business purpose of the vehicle use.
month. You can find these rates on
the Internet at
See Pub. 463 for more details.
Note. If line 4 is your only entry, don't
and select the option for “Foreign Per
complete Form 2106 unless you are
Allocating your reimbursement.
Diem Rates.”
If your employer paid you a single
See Pub. 463 for details on how to
Performing-arts-related business
amount that covers meals and
figure your deduction using the
expenses as a qualified performing
entertainment as well as other
standard meal allowance, including
business expenses, you must allocate
special rules for partial days of travel
Expenses for performing your job
the reimbursement so that you know
and transportation workers.
as a fee-basis state or local
how much to enter in Column A and
government official, or
Column B of line 7. Use the following
Step 2—Enter Reimbursements
Impairment-related work expenses
worksheet to figure this allocation.
Received From Your Employer
as an individual with a disability.
for Expenses Listed in Step 1
Reimbursement Allocation
See the
line 10
instructions. If you
Line 7. Enter reimbursements
aren't required to file Form 2106, enter
(keep for your records)
received from your employer (or third
your expenses directly on Schedule A
party) for expenses shown in
Step 1
(Form 1040), line 21 (or Schedule A
1. Enter the total amount of
that weren't reported to you in box 1 of
(Form 1040NR), line 7).
reimbursements your
your Form W-2. This includes
Line 5. Enter your allowable meals
employer gave you that
reimbursements reported under code
and entertainment expense. Include
weren't reported to you
“L” in box 12 of Form W-2. Amounts
meals while away from your tax home
in box 1 of Form W-2
. . .
reported under code “L” are
overnight and other business meals
2. Enter the total amount of
reimbursements you received for
and entertainment.
your expenses for the
business expenses that weren't
periods covered by this
included as wages on Form W-2
Standard meal allowance.
because the expenses met specific
. . . . . . .
Instead of actual cost, you may be
IRS substantiation requirements.
able to claim the standard meal
3. Enter the part of the
amount on line 2 that was
allowance for your daily meals and
Generally, when your employer
your total expense for
incidental expenses (M&IE) while
pays for your expenses, the payments
meals and
away from your tax home overnight.
shouldn't be included in box 1 of your
Under this method, instead of keeping
. . . . . . .
Form W-2 if, within a reasonable
records of your actual meal expenses,
period of time, you:
4. Divide line 3 by line 2.
you deduct a specified amount,
Enter the result as a
Accounted to your employer for the
depending on where you travel.
decimal (rounded to three
expenses, and
However, you must still keep records
Were required to return, and did
. . . . . . . . . . . .
to prove the time, place, and business
return, any payment not spent (or
5. Multiply line 1 by line 4.
purpose of your travel.
considered not spent) for business
Enter the result here and
in Column B, line 7
The standard meal allowance is the
. . . .
federal M&IE rate. For most small
If these payments were incorrectly
6. Subtract line 5 from line 1.
localities in the United States, this rate
included in box 1, ask your employer
Enter the result here and
is $51 a day. Most major cities and
for a corrected Form W-2.
in Column A, line 7
. . . .
many other localities in the United
Accounting to your employer.
Step 3—Figure Expenses
States qualify for higher rates. You
This means that you gave your
can find the rates that applied during
To Deduct on Schedule A
employer documentary evidence and
2016 on the Internet at
(Form 1040 or Form 1040NR)
an account book, diary, log, statement
perdiem. At the Per Diem Overview
of expenses, trip sheets, or similar
Line 9. Generally, you can deduct
page select “2016” for the rates in
statement to verify the amount, time,
only 50% of your business meal and
effect for the period January 1, 2016–
place, and business purpose of each
entertainment expenses, including
September 30, 2016. Select “Fiscal
expense. You are also treated as
meals incurred while away from home
Year 2017” for the period October 1,
having accounted for your expenses if
on business. However, if you were an
2016–December 31, 2016. However,
either of the following applies.
employee subject to the DOT hours of
you can apply the rates in effect
Your employer gave you a fixed
service limits, that percentage is
before October 1, 2016, for expenses
travel allowance that is similar in form
increased to 80% for business meals
of all travel within the United States for
to the per diem allowance specified by
consumed during, or incident to, any
2016 instead of the updated rates. For
the Federal Government and you
the period October 1, 2016–
Instructions for Form 2106 (2016)


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