550 West Van Buren, 7th Floor
Chicago, IL 60607
College and University Transcript Request Form
Transcripts are only considered official if received directly from the registrar of the college or university. Please be advised that it is your responsibility
to provide the University with official transcript documentation should you want previously completed coursework to be reviewed for transfer credit.
Students enrolled in advanced start, post-baccalaureate, or graduate programs must submit an official transcript indicating receipt of a comparable
associate’s, bachelor’s (required for students enrolled in a post-baccalaureate or graduate program), or master’s degree (required for students enrolled
in a post-graduate program) from a college or university accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department
of Education by the last day of the first term. If it is not submitted by the last day of the first term, you will be blocked or withdrawn from future classes
and your academic credentials will be withheld until such documentation is provided. Students enrolled in an advanced start bachelor’s program may
be transferred to a bachelor’s program if the proper documentation is not submitted on time.
1. Complete one form for each college or university attended.
2. Please send this form (with payment if applicable) to the Registrar’s Office at your prior institution.
please Type or print Legibly
LaST namE: ______________________________________ FIRST namE: ______________________________________ mIDDLE InITIaL: _______
namE(S) WhILE aTTEnDIng SChooL: ________________________________________________________________________________________
STREET aDDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: ________________________________________ STaTE: ________________________________ ZIp: ________________________________
homE TELEphonE: ________________________________________ EmaIL aDDRESS: ________________________________________________
SoCIaL SECURITY #: ________________________________________ DaTE oF BIRTh: ________________________________________________
Information Regarding Institution attended
namE oF CoLLEgE oR UnIvERSITY: _________________________________________________________________________________________
CampUS namE: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
STREET aDDRESS (opTIonaL): _____________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: _______________________________________________________ STaTE: _____________________________________________________
___ BaChELoR
___ maSTER
___ DoCToRaTE
maJoR: _________________________________
attention Registrar
Please return a copy of this form with the transcript.
I hereby request and authorize you to forward my official transcript and this form to Kaplan University.
Please send the transcript to:
550 West Van Buren, 7th Floor
Chicago, IL 60607
Student’s Signature (e-signature not accepted):____________________________________________________________ Date:__________________
Attention: Transcripts will not be accepted as official by Kaplan University for any of the following reasons: 1) stamped with “student copy,” “issued to student,”
“unofficial copy,” etc.; 2) received from the student; 3) registrar signature or seal missing; 4) student name incorrect or illegible; 5) illegible transcript.
TRANS REQ FORM (Revised 02/2013)