Tenants 30 Day Notice Of Termination


Date: ______________ Tenant(s) Name:___________________________________________________________________
Property Address: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Pursuant to Oregon Landlord/Tenant Law, We/I hereby give at least our 30day notice to vacate the property listed above. I/We will
be vacating the property on and deli vered to the Landl ord on: _________________. I/We understand that if we vacate the
property before the 30day notice period is up, I/We will be responsible for the rent amount for the entire 30 day period.
I/We agree to return keys to the office located at: 2339 State Street. Salem OR 97301 for return of possession.
Tenant(s) initi al(s) x_________
x________ x________ x________
Final Move out accounti ng shoul d be sent to Tenant name and Address:
The tenant to be contacted shoul d the Landl ord have any questions regarding this notice:
Name: ___________________________________________ Phone number: __________________________.
Confirmation of 30Day Notice
(For Office use onl y )
The estimated prorated rent from _________________ to_________________ will be $ __________.
Lease Break fee, if applicable $ ________________
Please note this amount may change depending on what is deemed as the final accounting. Also note you will remain responsible fo r
any other amount or charge due under the Rental Agreement.
If you are attempting to terminate the Rental Agreement for a specific term without following with a valid early termination clause,
or if your notice fails to co mply with Oregon Law in any respect, the Owner/Agent does not constitute an acceptance of the
termination and does not relieve tenant of all amounts due under the Rental Agreement.
Note: ORS 90.427(7) If the tenant remains in possession without the landlord’s consent after expiration of the term of the re ntal
agreement or its termination, the landlord may bring an action for possession. In addition, the landlo rd may recover from the tenant
any actual damages resulting from the tenant holding over, including the value of any rent accruing from the expiration or
termination of the rental agreement until the landlord knows or should know that the tenant has relinq uished possession to the
landlord. If the landlord consents to the tenant’s continued occupancy.
Will any tenant continue to remain as a resident of the property? ___________ It is important to note that the Security Deposit
will be held until the final tenant moves out. If this is a roo mmate situation, it is highly reco mmended that each tenant work out their
portion of the Security Deposit amongst each other beforehand, as the Security Deposit will remain on our file as long as the house is
occupied. Any tenant wishing to remain at the property will need to re -qualify.
Reason for vacating:______________________________________________________________ __________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________
S EE B ACK -----)


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