Marketing Plan Worksheet Template Page 5


Why (and how) do customers select the firm's products?
Describe the basic benefits provided by the firm's products relative to competing
Describe the degree to which customers' needs are being fulfilled by the firm's
products relative to competing products:
Describe how customers' needs are expected to change in the future.
Describe the relative importance of transactional (short, one-time) vs. relational
(long-term, ongoing) exchange processes when customers make a purchase:
Why do potential customers not purchase the firm's products?
Identify the basic needs of noncustomers that are not being met by the firm's
Identify the features, benefits, and advantages of competing products that cause
noncustomers to choose them over the firm's products:
Identify problems with the firm's distribution, promotion, or pricing that cause
noncustomers to look elsewhere:
Internal (Organizational) Environment
Review of marketing goals and objectives
Identify the firm's current marketing goals and objectives.
State whether these goals and objectives are:
Consistent with the firm's mission
Consistent with recent changes in the marketing or customer environments
Leading to expected performance outcomes (sales volume, market share,
profitability, awareness, brand preference)
Review of current marketing performance
Describe the firm's current performance compared to other firms in the industry. Is
the performance of the industry as a whole improving or declining? Why?
If the firm's performance is declining, what is the most likely cause (e.g.,
environmental changes, flawed strategy, poor implementation)?
Review of current and anticipated organizational resources
Describe the current state of the firm's organizational resources (e.g., financial,
capital, human, experience, relationships with key suppliers or customers).


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