Arts Education Lesson Plan Template For Gtn Project Page 3


Schoolnet Tab 3: Create Content
Select a format for your content, then fill in the corresponding form below:
Content Format
X District Template – use the recommended template by entering content in the fields below.
Note: the district template will be used for all GTN lesson plans – do not select file or URL
Content Template
You can create content for the various components of your instructional material.
Click any link below to create corresponding content:
Student Motivation
Learning Targets/Criteria for Success
Learning Tasks and Practice
Technological Engagement
Collecting/Documenting Evidence of Learning
Teacher Reflection of Learning
Student Self-Reflection and Action Steps
Feedback/Instructional Adjustments
Extended Learning Opportunities
Student Motivation
Why would the student be interested in this lesson? What is the connection to the material? How does this lesson
engage students?
Learning Targets/Criteria for Success
Learning Target(s)
Identify the essential part(s) of each standard or objective that students should be able to do as learning targets
written in student friendly language. (“I can statements.”)
Explain how the learning target(s) will be communicated to students.
Identify misconceptions students might have.
Criteria for Success
Identify the expected learning outcomes of the learning target written in student friendly language to indicate
what students will do during the learning process to meet the learning target(s). (“I will” statements)


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